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"Do you have everything?"

Taehyung nodded softly and patted the top of his luggage.

"Jagi ... Do I have to leeeave?", He whined.

I giggled softly and kissed his cheek.

"Sadly, you do. It's your job. Don't worry, Skype exists!"

I smiled at him and he smiled back, but you can see the sadness.

" Aw, Tae Tae, don't be sad. You can always visit when you have time. Or I can go over there whenever I have college break."

I poked his shoulder and he instantly smiled widely.

Oh how I love that boxy grin.

"Jagiya, I wish you could come with us.."

"If it were up to Tae and myself, you would be packing too." , Hoseok made his way over with his luggage rolling behind.

I frowned slightly and nodded.

"I know guys, let's just be glad we can still communicate. Yeah? Unless they like ban you from seeing me or something." , I shrugged.

Taehyung gasped loudly and pulled me into his embrace, holding me tightly.

"Don't ever say that! Or think it! I would never allow that to happen!" , His grip on me got tighter.

"I. Can't. Breathe.", I squeaked out.

Hoseok chuckled and patted Tae's back softly.

"You won't have much of a girlfriend if you squeeze the life out of her."

Taehyung let me go, but he was still holding on to me softly. He kissed the tip of my nose, causing me to blush and look away.

"You get flustered so easily, Liz." , Jungkook leaned on Hoseok's shoulder.

"You seemed like such a tough person before."

"Boy, what do you mean before? I can literally beat you up right now." , I furrowed my brows.

"You wanna go?!"

"Let's go then! You will go to Seoul all beaten up. Boii don't test me!"

I walked up to him and pinched his cheek strongly, but not to much.

"Just because you're a week older, doesn't mean I won't do jack." , I pinched his other cheek.

"Yah! It hurts! Ok, I'm sorry!", He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hands away.

"Mmhmm, that's what I thought." , I raised a brow and snapped my finger in a sassy way.

I ended up laughing at myself.

"This Jagi is quiet intimidating."

I felt Tae wrap his arms around my waist. Giving me a back hug. He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I like it.", He smirked

"Good, because I would probably beat ya too, if you didn't.", I looked at him and smiled.

He pecked my lips quickly and and hugged me tightly.

"Yah, I can only take so much of this whole lovey dovey thing."

"Aweh, Jiminie, do you want a hug too?", I cooed and opened my arms widely.

"No! Mine!"

Taehyung turned around giving his back to Jimin and making me face the opposite way.

"I might get hurt if I accept the offer."

He laughed and shook his head.

Taehyung stuck his tongue out at Jimin causing all of us to laugh.

"Okay, guys, it's time!" , Called my stepdad.

"We have a long flight ahead."

Namjoon breathed out, already tired in advanced.

We all nodded.

"Alright, let's get going.", Jin smiled softly and made his way to the car.

We all followed behind.


"Flight 537, is now boarding."

"Oh, that's our flight guys!", Namjoon confirmed.

Everyone was chatting away while we  waited for that phrase to be said over the intercoms.

Instantly, you could feel the vibe die down. It only made things a bit harder, for all of us.

For me.

I sighed and looked at them smiling sadly. I bit my lip to not cry, but it wasn't really helping.

I was suddenly engulfed in a group hug, by the guys.

I heard sniffles here and there, Wich made me start doing the same as tears fell.

"I'm going to miss you guys, more than last time.", I muffled out while enjoying the embrace.

"We are too, Lizzy-ah.", I heared Jimin speak out.

They all nodded in agreement.

The hug was over with and some cleaned up small tears they had brimming in their eyes.

I looked over at Taehyung, who was looking everywhere and anywhere, except me. I bit my lip and walked over.

"Taehyung..", I called out softly.

He didn't reply and looked at the floor.

"Jagi.." , I cupped his face in my hands and made him look at me.

" We'll talk everyday. I don't mind the time difference. If you want to call me at 8 at night and it's 4 in the morning here, I will answer. You can video chat me when you have time because I know you'll be busy. Don't worry."

I smiled softly and wiped a tear from his cheek with my thumb.

He stared at me and just hugged me tightly and lovingly. I did the same.

"I love you, Liz.", He mumbled into my shirt.

"I love you, Tae."

"Hey! Hurry up, Tae-ssi, you'll miss the flight!", Jungkook was waving his hand calling Tae over.

"I'll miss you, please take care of yourself."

He nodded and kissed me gently.

"Bye , Jagi."

I waved as he made his way over. I stood in my spot until he was no longer in sight.

I sighed softly and rubbed my arm.

My stepdad patted the top of my head.

"Don't worry, you'll meet up soon enough."

I simply nodded and started making my way to the car.


They must've taken off already. Maybe I should've gone with them.

No, that would've been too much of a bother and distraction.

I miss those idiots.

~Text message!~

TaeTae 💓: I miss you already. I'll call you when we get home. Love ya!

I smiled to myself and tries replying, but it wouldn't go through.

Must be on airplane mode.

I just know I was now really anticipating my phone to ring.


Okay, so we have today off because idk what holiday. This one is rather short compared to my other chapters.

It's been hectic trying to have a social life and do college works. I think it's harder because I'm doing it online and my family depends on me for alot of things, so I usually stop my work and help them out.

But in the end, all of this is worth it because I get to visit my mum and little sister from Dec. 14 to Dec. 29!

I'll take lots of pictures c;

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