Chapter 7

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(Kay, so like, V is such a cutie patotie, so why not?)

"IM HOME!", i yelled as i walked into my house. It was almost 7 p.m. I ended up buying some necessities i needed to restock up on. Also, i had to drop off some paper work for school.

Which is starting up soon enough. ughh.

"Hi, sweetie. How was your day? you were pretty busy today.", I heard my dad say from the living room. I think he was watching those old cowboy movies. like the black and white ones. they're pretty good. I nod and start making my way upstairs to my room. "You have no idea. I'm just going to go lay down for a bit.", i breathed out almost at the top already.

I walk into my room and close my door, turn towards my bed, and just fall onto it. I sighed out in relief feeling the coolness of my bed sheets against my hot face. It was scorching hot outside. But then again, when isn't it in fucking hot ass Texas. It's also been raining a lot, so the humidity is real. Also, i hate that as well, because my hair gets frizzy as hell.


I stayed in the same position for about a minute and then flipped over to be laying on my back. I just stared up at my ceiling fan for a couple of seconds. I suppose deep in thought, but I'm not sure about what. It's a usual habit of mines, sadly. It happens all the time, anywhere and everywhere.



i sit up to see who is calling me and sure enough it was a crying Lucas. I wonder what happened this time.

"What's wrong, Lucas?", I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"M-Max said .. you don't love u-us anymore..", he barely hiccuped out.

Max, that little-

"That's ridiculous! Of course I love you guys! why would he say that?", by this time, i was rubbing his back gently.

This boy seriously looks like hes having an attack, but its just how he cries. He really cries over everything. He is quiet spoiled.

"B-because y-you didn't want t-to take us to the park, w-with you..", He barely mumbled out while starting to calm down a bit.


"Lookie here, Lucas. It's not that i didn't want to take you guys with me. I left really early and I also had a lot of things to do. I didn't want to wake you guys up. PLUS, you guys were going to get bored and I wasn't going to have time to drop you off back home.", I spoke calmly and ruffled his hair softly. Thankfully, he is quick to understand things like this and simply nodded.

"Better?", i ask and hug him tightly. He once again nodded and smiled. "I'm going to tell on Max!", he said and quickly ran out of my room. Well, i know they're going to be at it most of the night. Let me just go lock my door.


I went into my restroom and took a quick shower and changed into my sleeping clothes, because honestly, im probably going to stay in my room until i fall asleep.

I have been social enough, for today.

I tied my hair up in a bun, as i usually do every night. I plopped right back onto my bed, leaning against the headboard. I started checking all my notifications and social media. Nothing interesting. Its gotten so boring now. Although, i was feeling a bit uneasy. As if i was forgetting something, which honestly, i wouldn't be surprised because i forget EVERYTHING. It really is annoying, but you know who really hates it?

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