Chapter 9

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(Guys, I be at Dallas, rn. With my mum and stepdad. It's going to be a while, so might aswell. This chapter will be 3rd person P.O.V )

It was now currently 10 a.m. Elizabeth and most of the guys were still sound asleep. They ended up using too much energy the day before at the beach. But they had fun, which was the point. Elizabeth's family went out to buy some groceries for the day, since Seokjin and Taehyung cooked and ate most of the fridge. Since, Jungkook and Jimin were awake at that time, they simply tagged along. They had David with them, so they were going to be fine.

Hoseok, Namjoon, Taehyung, Seokjin, and Yoongi stayed home. They didn't even realize when they all left. Hoseok ended up falling onto the floor from the sofa, Seokjin didn't even budge from his spot, as expected, Namjoon was on a couch with one leg dangling off the edge, and Yoongi ended up stealing most of the pillows. As expected.

Elizabeth was in her room, she could feel how her room was slowly getting warm due to the sun seeping in through her blinds. That was her cue every weekend to get up, because honestly who likes sleeping in a hot room. Liz, was going to start the process of stretching, but she couldn't budge. She furrowed her brows whilst still not opening her eyes and tried to move, but again couldn't. She felt a heavy wait on her right side and felt something heavy over her leg.

"What the..", she mumbled tiredly and opened her eyes slowly because of how bright her room is. The first thing she saw was Taehyung's face, laying on her shoulder. He was sound asleep with his hair a mess, covering his eyes a bit. His mouth was agape slightly and she could hear his light snores. She kept looking around and he had managed to kick his blanket to the floor and had his leg over hers. At first she was a bit flustered, but her expression softened and she found herself smiling.

"I guess, he had trouble sleeping yesterday", was all she thought of. She found herself moving his hair softly away from his eyes. She was just happy. Honestly, it gave her memories of times her brother would sometimes sleep with her when she was having though times.

"Tae.." she whispered and shook him lightly, trying to wake him up. But no success. "TaeTae..wake up, it's getting late.", She whispered again and only earned a low, but soft groan as Taehyung hugged her tightly.

"Yah, Oppa, wake up, I can't breathe!", Claimed Liz while shaking him strongly.

"Mm?", Replied Taehyung tiredly while scrunching up his nose a bit. "Just a little more Jagi.." he mumbled still asleep.

"Taehyung! I am not your Jagi! Come on, get up boy! ", Liz called and struggled to get out of his grip, but when she did she pushed him off the bed with her feet. All you heard was a loud thud.

"YAH, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!", Exclaimed Tae, who rapidly sat up and was rubbing the back of his head.

"For coming up to my room in the middle of the night. For almost cutting off my way of breathing, and for calling me Jagi.", Answered Liz smiling and flicking his forehead and then after rolled off her bed to get up.

Taehyung was just sitting on the floor embarrassed as hell. He looked quiet adorable. His face was quiet red and all he could do was cover his face in embarrassment. He remembers coming up last night, but he didn't think he would end up cuddling Liz.

"aw, don't be like that Taehyung-ssi, it's okay. I'm used to doing these things for David. Well, more the other way around, but still.", Chirped up Liz smiling sweetly. He simply nodded and smiled back while getting up.
"Thanks, I'll go wake up the others.", Was all he mumbled out and walked back down to the living room.


"Good morning to you all!", Shouted Liz jumping down from the second to last step.

"Morning!", Said everyone in unison.

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