Chapter 6

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( This song is literally the cutest and I love it, so why not. Aigo (+_+) )

"What exactly do you mean with you made friends? Like plural?"

"Well ... I made seven new friends?"

"Why do you sound so confused?! Bitch, either you made new friends or didn't!", Oh there he goes. Sounding annoyed as hell.

I looked over at these guys and they just smiled. I simply nodded and took a deep breath.
"Okay, so like .. I was at the park and I was drawing."

"As usual"

"Dude, ANYWAYS, stuff happened and I ended up at Q-shi with .. uh .."

"LIZ, WHO TF ARE YOU THESE WITH LADY!? YOU ARE TESTING MY PATIENCE!" , He practically shouted into the phone. I flinched and pulled the phone away from my ear.

"Will you can down?! I'm getting to that!"


I sighed and rolled my eyes. I could hear Jimin and Yoongi snickering. I simply ignored it.

" I bumped into BTS and they basically kidnapped me and now here I am.." I spoke quietly and fastly into my phone. I honestly doubt he will believe me, because who would?

"Send proof."


"Did I stutter?! Send proof!" He scolded me, what seemed for the billionth time.

"Okay! Okay! Jfc, calm down. I'll send it you right now."

I put him on speaker and asked the guys if we could take a group picture. They easily accepted. I really wasn't comfortable with asking them for a picture.

They all did silly poses, except Yoongi. He was doing his swag pose. Can he not? And Jungkook just covered his face.

Well damn.

I sent it to John and waited for his response.

"Ah ... Okay. So you're not lying.."
Why is he so calm?
Oh shit.
This isn't ok.

"Uhm, yeah?"

"So like .. BITCH WHY DIDNT YOU INVITE ME HOE?!" , He screamed into the phone again. I was taken aback on this reaction whilst everyone else were loosing their shit.

"I mean, you're not a fan?!"

"Still! The hell!"

I giggled softly and shook my head. As I was about to say something, he beat me to it.

"Ah shit, I've got people coming in. I'll talk to you later."

I nodded and smiled. "Ohkay, Johny. Be careful."

"Nananananana, YOU be careful! Pfft", and with that he hanged up.


"Who was that? Hmm? ", Asked Hoseok, leaning in a little too close.

"I-i uh he's my-"

"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?! EOMMA DOES NOT APPROVE! I NEED TO MEET HIM!", I looked over at Seokjin with wide eyes.

"It's not like that! He's my best friend! Really! Wait .. WHO THE HELL SAID YOU COULD BE MY EOMMA?!" i exclaimed standing up and pointing at him.

"I am Jin!  I am EOMMA! You are all my children! Now respect your Oppa!", He flicked my forehead and I ended up sitting back down annoyed and crossed my arms while puffing up my cheeks.

The nerve.

Jungkook started chuckling a bit. I glared over at him and opened my mouth to say something.

"AH! I am your Oppa too!"


"Doesn't matter. I still am." He said smirking a bit.

Honestly, how could they just act as if we've been life friends? I need help.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely loving this. They are so cool and calm. Don't mind talking to me so nonchalantly. But im one to get really attached to people. And very quickly. So, I don't want that to happen. They will eventually leave. And will eventually forget about me.

Shit. For all I know they'll forget by tomorrow.

I just slouched down in my seat and Namjoon started poking my cheek smiling.

Them dimples.

"Stop it.." I said quietly.

He kept poking me.
"Namjoon, please stop.." I asked again. He just kept going at it. I am annoyed, but not in a bitchy way. Just I can't process this still.


"Yah, Namjoon Oppa!" , I swatted his hand away. Everyone gasped. I was shook. Did someone die? What happened?

"HA, SHE CALLED ME OPPA FIRST!" , Namjoon shouted and poked my arm.

Boi, what?

"It should've been me! I'm the oldest! Why you not love me, Lizzy!", Seokjin dramatically cried out.

They all started making over dramatic hurt cries. I just sat there confused. They are honestly as childish as they look in interviews. Hehe. Cuties.

"I'm sorry..?" I raised my hand up confused like 🤷, as they just kept it up, while Namjoon kept teasing, I checked my phone for the time.

"ITS 3 ALREADY?!", I immediately jumped up from my seat, causing everyone to stop bickering.

"Is everything okay? yeodongsaeng?" , Asked a concerned looking Jungkook. I blushed a bit at my over reaction and nodded slightly while rubbing my arm.
"Uh, yeah, I just didn't notice how fast time when by. I have to get going in a bit." I sighed softly. I'm not going to lie, I was having lots of fun with these idiots, but who am I kidding when I keep hoping that we will keep in touch.

Mayor idols and then there's me.

The potato with standards.

"Well, it was great meeting you all. I have to get going. Thank you for the food." I smiled widely but sadly and got up. As soon as I did Taehyung snatched my phone and started typing in it.

"Eh?! My phone!", As I was going to grab it back he passed it along. They all started typing in it.


What are they doing?

Finally Jimin stood up and gave me my phone back. I looked at him still confused. He smiled that eye smile he has.

My hearteu.

"You have to messages us when you get home, safely.", He simply stated.


I simply stared at him and was about to say something, but he held out his pinky finger.


What are we, five?!


I extended my pinky aswell and locked it with his.

"annyeong! Thanks again!" I waved as I walked out the door and started making my way to me car across the street.

As I got in and sat down, I checked my phone contacts.

- Jinnie oppa~
- suga swag 🔥~
- Your hope, your angel O:-)
- Pink mon 😎
- Chim Chim ~
- V ✌️
- Golden Maknae 💪

by the time I was done checking, I was smiling like the idiot I was.

What just happened?

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