After The Fight

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"Ladybug, use your lucky charm!" Chat Noir suggested as he battled the Printer. Pages and pages kept flying at the poor hero, causing him to drown in paper.

"Lucky Charm!" The heroine used her special power in hopes of rescuing her partner. She was given a simple paper shredder.

"This is a bit obvious," she giggled sleepily, thankful it wouldn't take much thought to use it. The girl didn't sleep much the night before, so it was to her relief that this battle wouldn't be so complicated or violent.

"You'll never destroy my news column! I am the Printer, and I print pages!" The akuma shouted maniacally.

Chat Noir was dying at all the puns he could make for the Printer.

"Don't use that tone with her!" He called out, snickering from under a mountain of pages. Even in times of battle, puns always seemed like a necessary idea. He felt it lightened the mood when things got too serious with villains, and that they were just really funny.

"Shut up!" The Printer groaned, as did Ladybug. This was definitely not a time for puns, and Chat Noir did not exactly get the hint.

As the akuma was distracted by his puns of paper and printing, Ladybug continued to tiredly shred the paper around him.

Eventually the villain noticed, and shot forward a huge stack of papers at Ladybug. She dodged them luckily by using her yoyo to pull herself up and away from the direction that papers were being launched at.

Swinging down, she snatched the keys to the Printer's office printer and broke them under her foot. The akuma fluttered out, and Ladybug captured it with her yoyo. "Got you!" She smiled in relief.

Chat Noir pulled himself out from the shredded paper mountain, complaining of paper cuts. "Cataclysm!" He declared, causing all the shredded papers to turn to dust.

The heroine continued to purify the akuma, then she released it back out as a white butterfly.

"Goodbye little butterfly," she smiled, her eyelids drooping in exhaustion.

Chat Noir's ring beeped, and Ladybug's hands immediately flew up to touch her earlobes at the sound.

"Oh, that was my ring. Yours hasn't lost any spots. Did you end up using your Lucky Charm?" Chat Noir asked her, examining her earrings. All five spots were still there.

"Yes, I did actually. How long ago was it? Like a few minutes ago? I wasn't keeping track of time," she tilted her head curiously.

Chat tilted his head in confusion as to why she hasn't lost any of her spots. "Huh. It's probably a new power. I'll ask my kwami about it when I detransform to see if he knows anything. Anyways, good job today my lady!" He told her, beginning to get nervous as his ring beeped another time, losing another minute.

"Pound it?" She held her fist out, shaking off the weird vibe she was getting from the lack of losing spots. Besides, she thought, this should be a good thing. Maybe she wouldn't be so limited on minutes and in a hurry. Although she didn't mind being in a hurry to her warm bed. Late night school projects were always a pain.

"Pound it!" He returned her fist bump with a smile. Chat Noir noticed she seemed a bit distracted, so he reminded her about her Lucky Charm, "And don't forget to return that."

She gasped and cheekily laughed at her error. Ladybug threw it back into the air, making the random sheets of paper littered across all of Paris disappear.

Chat Noir's ring beeped a third time, meaning he'd only have two minutes before he was changed back into his civilian self.

The two quickly helped the victim of the akuma, making sure he would be alright. Chat Noir had to duck out early, being that he lost a fourth minute.

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