Effects of the Mask

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"If Hawkmoth is a dangerous villain who can control you, why in the world are you meeting back up with him?!" Felix asked, wondering how the woman could be so careless. Placing his hands over his head, he paced around stressfully. Why in the world was she so determined to get herself trapped?

"First off, don't you want to see your brother? He lives in the Agreste mansion, and so do I. Second, he asked to meet back up with me to check on my progress. He probably wants to know if I located Chat Noir's miraculous," Nathalie explained to him, still unsure about what exactly she'd tell Gabriel when she'd meet up with him later that day. He had earlier requested to have a word with her, and gave her a specific time to meet.

"I can wait to see the guy who tortured me for fourteen years, so you don't have to worry about me being impatient," Felix said, pushing away the anxiety that bubbled up at the thought of seeing him again. "Not to mention, I really can't have you getting hurt. He wants to trade you off for his wife, Nath, and that's going to end up trapping you eternally. There's no way out of it, and you'll be lost foreve—"

"Kitty, you'll be okay. I promise Goril— Gordon is better than he was. He won't bully you, I promise. If he even makes so much as one rude gesture, I swear I'll deal with him," she told him, cracking a small smile. "I won't get hurt either. It's just... Adrien misses his mom. If I could—"

"Nathalie, you can't just do that!" He insisted, the fear of losing her overpowering his worries about facing his childhood bully, "I told you I'd help you figure something out, and no one has to get trapped."

She looked up at him, her playful smile fading to a rather sad one. "Felix..."

"Just please promise me you won't," Felix begged, watching as she looked away from his pleading eyes.

"Adrien... he's— like a son to me. I just want him to be happy. Imagine how happy he'd be if his real mother came back," Nathalie admitted, her gaze falling to the floor as she wrapped her arms around herself.

 Imagine how happy he'd be if his real mother came back," Nathalie admitted, her gaze falling to the floor as she wrapped her arms around herself

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His heart began to fall, and he realized that she was still planning on making the trade. "Nathalie, he won't want to lose you either. If we plan this carefully, we can bring her back anyways. I'm not saying I don't want her to come back either, I'm just saying there's another way. Yes, Hawkmoth's plan is easier, but there's a consequence involved, and I- I don't know how I'd live without you in this real world."

"I'm positive you can!" She reassured him, "You have your brother, your family, and I'm sure Marinette and Adrien would definitely show you ar—"

Felix let go of her, looking away in fear he might start getting all emotional in front of her again. "You can't just do this to yourself! I know we can figure something out!"

"I'm going to talk to him now, and you're talking to Gordon!" She finally snapped, yanking his arm as she began walking back to the mansion.

"Nath!" He tried to pull away, but she had a death hold on his arm, and there was no escape. Surrendering to her force, he allowed her to lead him inside.

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