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"Chloe, tell me what this is. Can it be taken out?! Can we dye my hair to get the red out!! This is a little crazy here," Ladybug began talking the moment she walked in from the patio door.

"We could probably try hair dye. I have some in exactly your hair color, but it's only temporary. Would you like to try it?" Chloe asked her, pulling out a can of hair dye spray from beneath her bed.

"Let's try it," Ladybug jumped at the opportunity, uncaring of the fact that Chloe just randomly had a hair dye in exactly her hair color, probably from her cosplaying.

Chloe pulled the cap off, yanked Ladybug into the bathroom next door to her bedroom, which was in an unoccupied hotel room, used a towel to put around Ladybug to keep her suit from getting the color absorbed or whatever, then sprayed it. A dark mist sprayed over the red portion of Ladybug's hair, covering parts of it. The blonde continued to use the spray, up until it ran out.

"Looks covered!" Chloe announced, tossing the Can into the trash beside her. Ladybug turned to the mirror to see that her hair looked normal enough. When she picked up the portion to check, some of the hair dye came off on her hand, causing her to groan.

"Thanks Chloe! This should do for now."

The both of them left to go back to Chloe's bedroom so she could continue calling Sabrina about her crappy hotel food rant.

Meanwhile, Ladybug had nothing else to do, but think. What was the one thing she could try?

Her Lucky Charms only guided her with things that would hide her identity or fight in certain situations. Unless... it could provide an answer?

"Lucky Charm!" She called out, totally interrupting Chloe's rant to her annoyance. A small paper floated into Marinette's hands.

On the small, faded spotted paper were the words, Spread your wings! -Tikki.

"Spread my wings?" Ladybug repeated, causing a pink light to flash throughout Chloe's room.

Blinded and confused, Chloe noticed Ladybug was lying on her back, groaning.

"What the heck was that supposed to be about?! Ladybug, seriously? Your powers are all over the place!" Chloe complained, crossing her arms and huffing.

When the disoriented heroine sat up, two rosy transparent wings slowly began to rise into position, somewhat mimicking Ladybug's position.

"BUG!" Chloe screeched, scattering to get into a corner of her room.

"Where?!" Marinette replied, turning around to get away, seeing as she wasn't such a big fan of roaches or creepy bugs either.

The wings unfolded themselves delicately, now beginning to flap. Hearing the flapping sound from behind her, Ladybug now thought there might be a really large bug following her and that was something she did not want to see.

Both girls began to scream for different reasons. Ladybug was running wildly, screaming, "GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME!!"

Chloe was cowering in a corner, screaming because her idol grew wings and started screeching like a giant bug. What was next? She'd grow antennae and eat whatever it was that ladybugs ate?

It took fifteen minutes to get the situation under control, which finally happened a little while after Chloe loudly pointed out she grew wings which led to more screaming and panic.

"Why the heck did I grow wings? What is happening to me? What is going on?!" Ladybug questioned, burying her face in her arms.

"Most importantly, how are you going to hide those wings?!" Chloe asked the heroine, leading her to the realization that she needed to get them to go away somehow.

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