Chloe's Delivery

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Reminder 🚨: This story is an AU, meaning there are some differences between this fanfiction and the show.

Marinette sat back on the blue platform beside Felix with a weary sigh. Wasn't it bad enough for Adrien with his mother gone? She didn't need to ruin his life, nor be haunting his dreams.

"It's hard, isn't it? You're struggling to hear someone you love tell you things after they think you've died or something," Felix said sympathetically.

"I just... I can't stand to hear him like that. I've never heard Adrien cry, and it just reminds me of my partner, who was so sensitive to the idea that I'd disappear, and I love them both." She replied. "Chat Noir, I love him like a partner. I'd do anything for him. Adrien, I love him romantically, and it's... why am I talking and comparing them?" Marinette shook her head.

Felix had a knowing smirk, realizing the obvious.

"I just miss everyone so much. How are you still okay, Felix?" Marinette turned to him.

"Being alone for who knows how long was depressing for a while. I assume it was five years. You know, at one point, I counted up to two years, five months, thirteen days, seven hours, and fifty-seven minutes?" Felix joked a little.

"Really?! Is it that boring here?!" Marinette asked, her eyes wide with worry.

"I'm kidding! It's pretty boring, so I did actually count for a while, but I don't think I made it over six hours," he assured her. "It was depressing being alone, but now I have you to chat with."

"Did you come up with that pun before or after you got stuck here?" She grumbled, realizing this was another Chat Noir she'd be dealing with for eternity.

"I actually came up with it in here, but I never thought I'd be able to let anyone else hear it," Felix laughed at her grumpy expression, "I wish I could've told it to my Lady Luck though..."

Marinette's face softened. "Why don't you just tell it to her in that weird dream thing?" She asked.

"I just don't want to remind her of me anymore. If she's moved on, I don't want to suddenly show up in her dream and make her upset," he explained, letting his gaze wander to the distance in front.

"She would do anything to see you again! Trust me," she told him, "Every time she brings you up, she talks about how much she misses you and how it's all her fault that she couldn't save you

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"She would do anything to see you again! Trust me," she told him, "Every time she brings you up, she talks about how much she misses you and how it's all her fault that she couldn't save you."

A new blade of pain struck Felix through the heart, and he gasped. "Why would she blame herself?! It's my own dumb fault for not using my energy correctly. If getting stuck here for eternity means she gets to live on Earth for the rest of her life with family and friends, it's worth it."

Marinette knew from that statement that Felix was truly in love with Nathalie. She could feel her heart crumbling to a million pieces for the two, being in love but unable to ever see each other, like her and Adrien. His love was unconditional for Nathalie.

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