Red Liberation

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"Is it true that you had to stare at Nathalie while she was asleep to make her detransform?" Marinette asked him.

His eyes widened and he felt himself blush as he crossed his arms, "I did not watch her sleep! I swear, all I did was make sure she got her rest, then I went back to researching how to make her turn back! She was scared and didn't want to be alone, so I promised to sit by her. Is that how everyone thinks I helped change her back? By being creepy?"

Marinette laughed a little at how defensive he got, and embarrassed. It was kind of him to stay by her when she was scared. "Nathalie thought that was how you changed her back. She made my Chat Noir stare at me while I tried to go to sleep," she giggled.

"Oh... my gosh. I swear, I did not watch her sleep! That's weird!" He covered his eyes, feeling so embarrassed.

How in the world did he fix Nathalie's development? Felix was pretty sure it had to do with either resting or identities. He remembered she began to detransform while she was asleep, but it was also at the time that he discovered who she was. With the simple glance at the name on her wall, he realized exactly why Lady Luck had led him to that very room for his energy restoration experiment. It was because she was Nathalie Sancouer. Right then, maybe coincidentally or not, she immediately changed back.

 Right then, maybe coincidentally or not, she immediately changed back

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He had an idea.

"So you have no clue who your Chat Noir is?" Felix rested his chin on his hands after asking the young girl.

"No, I can't even consider any possibilities? I don't think I know him as a civilian, because I'm pretty sure I'd be able to recognize him in a heartbeat," Marinette told him, smiling.

Felix replied with, "You're probably right, but it doesn't hurt to consider everyone you know. Name every blonde you know."

"Well... I know Chloe, but she's not Chat Noir," Marinette laughed. "There's also Rose, Adrien, Aurore, Mylene is a little blonde, and uh... Adrien's mom."

"Who are the only boy blondes you know?" Felix questioned deeper.

"The only blonde boy I know is Adrien," she replied simply, "Other than Chat Noir."

"Tell me about both of them," The guy smirked, awaiting her realization.

Marinette narrowed her eyes, putting her hands on her hips, "Why are you so interested in comparing them?"

"No reason, I'm just curious as to how Adrien and Chat Noir compare," Felix chuckled, obviously lying.

Rolling her eyes, Marinette laughed. He reminded her of Alya, always trying to compare her crush to her partner. Deciding to humor him, she went on to say some comparing qualities, "Well, if you're really that interested, they both have blonde hair and green eyes."

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