She Will Be Found

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"If broadcasting your request is the only possible way to reach her, so be it. I must warn you that this strategy may bring consequences regarding your identity, but I predict much worse will come with just waiting. Your process is going swiftly, and I do not have an accurate understanding of what occurs at the end," Master Fu warned with his response, causing Ladybug to bite her lip lightly.

"I'm... scared that my friends and family could get hurt if people find out my identity. I'm unable to transform, and people know that there's a missing civilian girl around my age! They might realize who their Ladybug really is," she said with a cringe.

"You know... you don't have to broadcast the reason behind your request. You could just inform people that you need assistance and guidance with your newer powers," Master Fu spoke mindfully, smiling.

"You're... right! I could just ask my best friend, Alya to help me broadcast what I need to say!" Ladybug realized, pulling her brown wig off.

"You should hurry, Ladybug. I think one of the blue pieces of your hair are turning red," the elderly man pointed out.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you for everything, Master! I'll come back when everything turns back to normal!" Ladybug bowed her head politely before running out of the room to grab Alya.

"Bridg- Whoa! Your hair!" Alya interrupted herself when she noticed the girl holding a brunette wig in one hand as a blue streak in her hair continued to magically change to red, then start back on the other one.

"Sorry Alya, I'll explain everything later! I just have to ask you to do something for me! You have your phone, right?" Ladybug asked, feeling around to grab a tissue then wipe her makeup off to reveal the polka dot mask. Once she did so, she heard a gasp from the girl in front of her.


"Yes, I am! I'll need your help to broadcast something very very important and we have to make this as quick as possible!" The girl popped her green contacts out of her eyes.

"Of course, girl!" Alya threw her own purse open, then pulled her phone out.

Ladybug yanked off her gloves and took off the rest of her disguise, leaving her to stand in nothing but her spandex suit.

"Okay, recording in 3, 2, 1! Go!"

"Hello, this is a very, very urgent message from me, Ladybug! I'm looking for the previous heroine of Paris, Lady Luck, and I need your help! Please, if you're the old hero of Paris, meet me at the master's office. I have new powers, as you can see, and I need a mentor! There's no one better than the Lady Luck to help me understand how to use them! I'm in development, and I need help. Thank you! Please, if you decide to help me, come before the sun goes down."
* * *
Chloe walked around the streets of Paris, asking other people if they've seen Chat Noir out. So far, it seemed like he disappeared with Ladybug after the attack.

Her eyes fell on a familiar dark-haired boy with dark brown eyes. Once she remembered seeing him at the Dupain-Cheng bakery, working Marinette's shift, the blush returned back to her cheeks. His name was Jean.

Should she say something to this peasant, the blonde wondered. Of course, she thought, it wouldn't hurt to ask him if he'd seen Chat Noir out recently. But what if he thought she liked the hero? It wouldn't matter, she tried to convince herself.

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