Forced Adjustment

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A/N: Before I begin this chapter, I just want to take the time to thank every single one of you who are always so sweet with your comments! I promise, I read all of them and they always make my day! Just know I will always do my best to reply to you if you leave a nice comment!

Even by just silently reading or voting, you're making my WattPad experience as an author worth it. 💖 Thank you for choosing my story to read.

I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapter! 😊

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Two weeks after
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Alya twirled the spaghetti around her fork, deep in thought. It had been two months since she last saw Marinette in person, and she was beginning to wonder what could've even happened to her. Of course, she left a video a few weeks ago, promising she wasn't dead or going to die, but it kept her wondering about what kind of situation Marinette was in.

Was there something going on in her best friend's life that she didn't see when they hung out and went to school? Was there something Marinette kept from her that she didn't want her to know she was dealing with?

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Was there something going on in her best friend's life that she didn't see when they hung out and went to school? Was there something Marinette kept from her that she didn't want her to know she was dealing with?

Alya sighed, dropping the fork back on her plate for the eighth time that afternoon. "Why aren't you eating?" Etta, one of Alya's younger twin sisters asked her.

"I am eating. It's just that... I'm thinking," Alya explained, shoving the fork-twirl of spaghetti in her mouth to prove a point.

"You can think and eat, dear," Mrs. Cesaire tapped her daughter on the head from behind her, causing Alya to look up.

She ran her fingers through her hair to fix whatever her mother had mussed, shaking her head. "I am," she protested, but not in a bratty way.

"Are you still worried about Marinette?" Ella, the other younger twin asked Alya.

"Well... I mean I probably shouldn't be. She told us she was fine. I'm not going to be worried," Alya tried to convince her little sister as well as herself.

"It's not wrong to be worried about her, sweetie. She did disappear," Mrs. Cesaire reassured her daughter. Alya gave her a halfhearted smile.

After she finished her dinner, she went back up to her room to find a very weird yet pleasant surprise.

"Ladybug?!" Alya screeched, halting at the door for a moment before slamming it shut.

Ladybug froze before shoving her diary notepad out the window before her best friend noticed.

"Alya! Wow, you- uh aha sure came up early!" The heroine nervously smiled.

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