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Okay, okay. I know I said that was the end of the story back there, and it's been over half a year since I marked it as complete, but it didn't feel right leaving it like that! 😂

If you liked where it ended off, feel free to skip this chapter, but if you want to see where the characters ended up, you can still follow along! It's an optional, uneventful chapter, so don't worry if you choose to skip it!

Actually, I'd strongly advise for anyone who liked the way it ended to skip over this chapter.

If you choose to read this, I hope you enjoy! 💕

Love, Blue 💙
* * *

"You used your power to terrorize Paris?!" Emilie yelled at her husband over the phone as he chuckled a bit nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I mean... you died. Adrien needed you, and you didn't want him to grow up without a mother, so..." Gabriel tried to explain, touching the glass that separated them.

"So you decide that sending out evil butterflies to manipulate innocent people into stealing the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous from kids is the way to go? Gabriel, were you even thinking?! Now, you're stuck in prison for five years unless you plan on selling the Agreste company for the money!" Emilie smacked her forehead into the palm of her hand, unsure as to what was even going through her husband's head.

"First off, we're not doing that. Second, this one teenager in Adrien's class named Lila Rossi actually started a funding page to help get me out—"

"I'm surprised that you weren't given more time, considering it was treason," she crossed her arms with irritation.

"Me too... How is Adrien?" Gabriel asked her.

"He's a little upset that he gained a family member only to lose another one." She softened up a little as she thought about their son, "Five years isn't so long anyways. Adrien will be nineteen when you get out, so we'll have our family back to normal."

"Yeah... I hope he knows how sorry I am. I'm sorry too, Em. I just wish I would've gone about this a better way... Maybe if I politely asked the heroes for their miraculous at the beginning with the promise of giving it back."

"Well Gabriel, he does know that. I'll remind him anyway. I can't believe Nathalie's really gone though... She was my best friend, and she chose to take my place."

"Poor Adrien... I wish I could've told him about what I was doing. Maybe he would've stopped me, or even helped me to get the miraculous without all that garbage. Nathalie did volunteer to do it for you, Em. It was really nice of her, but it's not your fault," Gabriel said wistfully, remembering how kind his assistant had been to him in the hardest of times. "How is Felix doing?"

"Felix is really upset about her, but he's been taking over Nathalie's position for her and helping us. What else can I say? She's gone, and she was practically all he had left," Emilie told him, thinking back to the nights where she'd hear him trying not to sob too loudly from the next room over.

"I don't blame him. It's really hard on someone when they lose someone they once loved so much," Gabriel said, painfully looking up into the beautiful green eyes of his wife.

It warmed his heart to be able to see her again, and although it hurt he couldn't spend every day with her, he knew this was his own personal consequence for everything he put Paris through and that he deserved it. On one hand, he would have his wife back when he'd get out, but for Felix, he'd never get to see Nathalie ever again.

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