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After the park, I went ahead and got a couple of snacks. I just felt like hiding in my room all day and texting Brendon.

As I pulled up to my house, I see my  moms car still here. W-what? She's supposed to be at work by now.....

Thats when I notice Joshes car. What the hell is he doing here!? I run up the steps and try to open the door, but its locked. I sigh and take out my keys from my pocket. When I open the door, I almost throw up at the sight.

In the middle of the room laid Josh with a knife in his left shoulder, bleeding out. My mom is standing right above him with no expression on her face.

She has blood soaking her pants and a white blouse. She then turns to me, I can't read her expression, but I know she's not sad.

"Tyler, we need to leave. Joshua.....I killed him, I saved you. Now God will give you a chance.....your not under Joshua's spell anymore!" She says with joyful tears in her eyes.

I'm in shock. I can't believe this..........
My own mother killed someone I love, because of what she believed in!?

Then, it hit me, like a ton of bricks. Josh.......

Suddenly, everything went in slow motion. I ran over to my mother and pushed her down, she fell, I got on top of her and started screaming at her, then some how she just passed out.

I ran over to josh and picked him up on my lap and held him there, while I was sobbing, saying I'm sorry, it should have been me, I'll never forgive her, I love you.

I picked up my phone and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"P-please, h-hurry!"

"Calm down sir, we have tracked your location and the police are on there way, in the mean time, try to stay on the phone for as long as you can, okay? What's your name?"

"T-Tyler jos-seph."

"Okay Tyler, can you tell me what exactly happend?"

"My m-mom stabbed m-my b-boyfriend and, *sobbing*, I think he's dead!"

"Okay okay Tyler, calm down, the police should be there any second now. Is he still breathing?"

I looked down at Josh and paid attention to his chest. It looked like he wasn't moving at all, but if you look hard enough, you could hear him struggling.

I speak into the phone again. "Just barely, please hurry..........."

Just then, a police officer crashes in the room. He looks at Josh and I, then calls for back up.

A couple of the paramedics come in and take Josh away from me to put him in the ambulance, they ask if I want to go with them.

I nod my head numbly, I can't feel anything, I cant think, I have no emotions to show. I just feel so............empty.


I've been at the hospital for a day now.
The doctor said that he will wake up sometime today or tomorrow.  I've been in a privite waiting room sleeping, and, well, waiting.

When I got here, they immediately took Josh into surgery. I was told to take a shower in the hospital bathrooms because I was covered in Josh's blood. After that, they asked me when the last time I ate was. I said yesterday, and they then gave me some money so I could eat.

They told me my mother was insane. She was going to a mental hospital, but I know they ment an asylum.

I have to live under the care of my aunt now. She lives near here, a couple of towns away. Of course, when she found out what happend, she was shocked, but said she always kind of knew.

Just then, a doctor came in. "Tyler?"

I look up, "Yes?"

"Joshua is awake."


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