Chapter 15

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Kahlen in all honesty wanted to do nothing more than complain about the garment Heidi brought by and hung on a hook on the bathroom door. It was expensive looking, darker than blood red, made of a very fine material that only royals would buy. An item she'd never be caught dead wearing before. Now the hunter didn't have a say in the matter. Though... the gown was rather lovely.

"Is it to your liking?" Heidi asked.

"Not really sure I have a choice..." Kahlen said. "But I guess that tracker of yours wasn't lying when he said that you had good taste in clothing. I just think this is a bit much."

"When it comes to the Volturi there is not a price they worry about. Especially when it comes to this gathering."

"So I can see from your extravagant display below." The young woman stepped back to look at the item better as a whole. "I honestly do not want to go tonight."

"You've already agreed," Heidi snickered.

"Unfortunately," Kahlen muttered.

The vampire woman stepped up to her side. "Would you like some help getting ready?"

Normally, Kahlen would have brushed off the offer. Say she could manage herself. Though the hunter wasn't the most skilled when it came to this sort of thing. Sure there were times when needing to go undercover, but for those kinds of makeovers the young woman normally visited a mall. For a cosmetic assistant to apply the desired look. There were the basics that the hunter understood, but they would not be enough in this high-class crowd.

"I guess it couldn't hurt."

Taking the hunter by the shoulders, Heidi led Kahlen to the vanity in the bathroom. The dark haired vampire almost felt giddy that the young woman was allowing her to do this. She couldn't remember the last time she dressed up someone like this.

"Let's get started, shall we?"


Demetri was a gentleman, waiting outside the hunter's room. He could hear Kahlen shuffling around inside to take care of a few last minute things. The guard member situated his own dress coat before buttoning up the front. He didn't knock to rush her, or call out to announce his arrival. The tracker had given her the exact time he would escort her to the throne room. And right on the dot the door opened as she stepped out.

Instantly, the vampire's attention was caught by the display of her curves in the garment. And the way her face took to the makeup provided by Heidi made Kahlen appear even more stunning. Had Demetri needed to breathe he might have forgotten for a moment.

"Good evening," the vampire greeted.

The hunter shut the door behind her. To match the tracker, Kahlen slightly bowed her head. A hand came into her field of view and as she took the offer. Their eyes met.

"You look ravishing."

And dare Demetri witness it, the tracker could have sworn he heard the human's heartbeat shift. He didn't comment on it though. Knowing the young woman would deny it, if it wasn't a trick of his ears.

"You look like you want to bite me," Kahlen said.

The vampire chuckled deeply. "A very tempting offer, but I doubt you'd approve."

A smirk twitched at the corner of her lips. He was growing to know her too well now. And that was dangerous.

As Demetri led Kahlen closer to the throne room the more on edge her senses became. She would be in a room full of vampires and while this wasn't the first time since being captured by the Volturi, they were all renowned vampires in their own right and some were not tolerable. The hunter had a peek at the guest list in Aro's office one evening when he busied himself sorting things for the event. Some names were rather surprising.

"If you feel uncomfortable at any point this evening, make me aware of it," Demetri voiced. "If you feel threatened I will remove you from their presence."

"So we need a signal?" Kahlen questioned.

"In a way, yes. Do you have anything in mind?"

"How about I put a gun or weapon to their head." If Demetri could he would have choked on his spit. The young woman turned to look at him. "Will that work for you?"

The vampire chuckled, before glancing down at the hunter with amusement. "I do not think that would be appropriate."

"No," Kahlen smirked, "but it would make things more lively."

"That it would," he agreed.

As the doors opened the two looked away from each other. The throne room was lavishly decorated. When Kahlen last saw it she thought it was extravagant enough. Clearly the brothers wanted more to a point that even she felt impressed. Heidi had been right. The Volturi didn't care about the price tag. But there wasn't much time to marvel at it because the moment the two entered the vampires near them instantly turned at the smell of blood rushing through her veins.

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