Chapter 50

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A package came four weeks later with Kahlen's name on it from Carlisle, opening the contents in Aro's office with all of the brothers present. It contained a large bottle full of pale yellow pills with clear instructions on how to take them. But there was little information on what they would actually do if the hunter took them. The doctor called right on cue seconds later.

"Alice said you received my package," Carlisle said. Aro put him on speakerphone. "I reached out to a contact in the medical distribution business. They have only just begun testing this product, but I convinced him to lend me some samples because I had a willing patient wishing to look for a cure. Though I had him make a few minor adjustments to suit our needs."

"And what is it supposed to do?" Aro asked.

"It strengthens failing organs and increases blood cells when low. Like when a person is anemic. They will counteract each other and are supposed to balance out."

"Supposed to?" Demetri questioned.

"These are for normal humans, not hunters. But we have strengthened the dosage to keep up with her DNA. I ran tests, and it looks positive, but I won't be certain until you actually ingest it, Kahlen."

"And the side effects?" Aro asked.

"Either nothing will happen or the body will reject them in some way."

"Such as?" Demetri asked.

"Vomiting has been the most common side effect, but nothing about you, Kahlen, is normal. I'm not sure what to expect."

"She won't go into cardiac arrest?"


The tracker watched as the hunter swallowed the pill in hand without hesitation. His jaw fell slack for a moment at the fact she took such a risk before they could finish with their questions and answers portion of the call. The young woman stared back at him with an expression that simply read as, 'What?'. It amused Marcus greatly.

"But if you do experience anything out of the ordinary, I want you to inform me right away," the doctor said.

Demetri sighed heavily, mumbling, "You'll be the death of me..."

"You're immortal, you'll be fine," was her answer.

"Take two a day," Carlisle instructed. The hunter swallowed another pill. "Every morning. Don't skip a dose until we know it's working. Then we may be able to pull back."

"Does that mean I can activate my other side now?" Kahlen asked.

"Yes. I want to be sure that if you do hunt you won't have a reaction. In case you're in danger."

"And if she does have a reaction?" Demetri stepped in. "It could be worse than the last time."

"It's a chance we'll have to be willing to take till we know for sure her body is adapting to this medication."

The tracker sighed, not liking to chance this, but there was obviously no other way. Kahlen stood up to stretch, saying, "I'm going to train, are you coming with me?"

He couldn't refuse as they left the room. "Now that they are gone, Carlisle," Aro spoke up. "I want to know the truth. What are the odds of this solution working?"

"It's a fifty percent chance. Like I said, it's experimental to begin with. But I have some hope that even if this is a failure, it'll lead us to another solution. As long as we receive results we can work with it to prolong her life bit by bit." The leader nodded in thought. "If this does go wrong, Aro, what will you do?"

"I have considered the possibility of turning her. She would be a wonderful addition. But there are a few complications in our way that we are trying to work out at the moment."

"I see. I hope I give you enough time to sort that out."

"So do I."


The pills were not working out. Though it balanced out the organs so it made the young woman able to work within the parameters of her profession without bloody side effect, it slowed down the hunter side so much that Felix managed to knock the young woman off her feet roughly. The hit dazed her for a few minutes on the ground. And her recovery wasn't swift either, much to Demetri's worry. She didn't take that as a setback or gave up so easily. The hunter asked to go again. And again. And again. The vampire heard her low hissing in the shower later that evening. Nursing the many bruises she now sported. Even though she thought he couldn't hear.

"We need to find another solution," the tracker stated over the phone to Carlisle.

"So I see, but I am glad there was some success," the doctor said.

"Kahlen won't give up being a hunter in the field, and if this impairs her abilities and slows her down, she'll die. And I will not tolerate that."

"You have my word, Demetri, we'll find something else."

When Kahlen exited the bathroom she found the tracker laying on her bed, legs hanging over the edge with both arms spread out on either side of him. Moving closer she leaned against the mattress chest first with the elbows propping her up.

"What's on your mind?" the young woman asked.

"I was hoping this was going to be our answer," he admitted. "But we're left running in circles again."

"It was only fifty-fifty, remember? Even Aro said so himself. At least something came out of it. And I haven't had a reaction, even though I've been practicing every day in my hunter mode."

The tracker rolled over, forcing the young woman to lie on her back underneath him. His head moved to nestle against the base of her throat.

"That's not good enough," he muttered, lips ghosting over the skin.

It made the hunter slightly shudder. His lips continued to travel up along the edge of the jawbone before hovering above the lips.

"And it won't be good enough until I know for sure you're healthy and strong enough to resume your normal duties."

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