Chapter 30

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Chapter Song Inspiration: Immigrant Song by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross


"Damn it!" the hunter shouted, blowing off the vampire's head in the process. "You idiot!" Felix whirled around only now realizing what happened and dropped beside his partner.

"Demetri? Demetri!" he shouted.

He didn't answer. Kahlen checked to find his eyes closed.

"He's lost consciousness," she said.

Which was to be expected. A large crack ran up the side of his face, and the left shoulder nearly separated from his body as the arm hung precariously.

"They are still coming," Alec stated, killing another. "Why are there so many?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Jane, where did the brothers get this information?"

"How should I know," she stated. "I only relay what's been found."

There was a noise coming from the town, turning to find an alarming sight. Another horde of vampires were spilling out of the alleyways and doors rushing them head on with glowing red eyes. And it wasn't just seven or eight more of them. The hunter counted more than fifteen heads. Their numbers kept coming.

"Shit!" Kahlen grumbled.

Raising both arms the weapons took aim and began firing off multiple rounds. Either hitting their mark or slowing down the advance. But they weren't stopping.

"It's overrun!"

The mist leaked out of Alec's palms at a rapid rate as the sister tried focusing on more than one target. But their defense grew difficult to hold.

"Why didn't we notice their numbers sooner?" Felix grunted, taking off a head.

"Because they were hiding," Kahlen stated. "We've fallen into a trap." And it became difficult to protect Demetri's body. "Felix the right!"

There was a shattering sound from behind, the brute answering, "Got it."

One of the guns was out, quickly holstering it and removing her blade. The hunter switched between long and close range combat. This wasn't good, becoming surrounded on all sides. Kahlen wasn't sure how much longer they could carry on like this. They already fought off the Immortal Children, which was no easy feat.

"Felix, take Demetri and get out of here!" the young woman ordered.

There was only a minimal gap in the vampire army. They had to take the opportunity to escape while the path remained open. Felix looked at her with furrowed brows.

"We need to retreat. This is a losing battle, and you two know it as well," she shot towards the twins. "Demetri needs treatment, Alec will cover your back if anyone gets too close."

"What of my sister and you?" the male twin questioned.

"We'll hold them off for as long as we can to create some distance before following." The hunter looked to Jane for a moment before decapitating a vampire. "That alright with you?"

A short nod was her answer.

"Let's move!" Felix shouted.

Picking up Demetri's body and slinging him across both shoulders the brute made his escape with Alec close at his heels. The vampires snarled, shouting in another language and chasing after them. But it was no use with the mist covering their retreat. Instead they turned on the remaining two, grinning sadistically.

Clicking another round into place, the hunter began running at the vampires head on. The action startled them that a mortal would be so daring. And she was deadly slicing through them with precision. However, the moment two would be killed, three took their place. Kahlen and Jane needed to devise a plan and leave right away. Though through the chaos she lost sight of the sister for a moment. With a sharp jerk of the blade one of the attackers was cut in half at the waist. And then the hunter found the twin, standing towards the outer section causing pain to any that drew too close. Their eyes met.

"Make a–!"

And Kahlen could see Jane retreating. Immediately knowing the vampire intended to leave her behind. The twin didn't even spare her a second glance when turning away. Teeth clenching in anger, the young woman's head snapped to the side to shoot an advancing creature in the head. When the human looked back the guard was gone. Having Jane remain behind with her... it had been a mistake to trust the blonde. Not after their history. It was a misjudgment on her part. Thinking that on a mission, the two could put their differences aside in a life and death situation. How wrong Kahlen was. With a feral scream she allowed the adrenaline to take over, flipping around the blade in hand ripping into the ambush. The ground became littered in diamond flesh in her wake as their numbers closed in around the hunter. [song ends]

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