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It was a cool, stormy night. Iris was home alone since Linda had gone to work and Gavin had not yet returned home. Iris was up in her room re-reading one of her favorite sci-fi novels, The Doughty and the Despotic. It was about a world full of wizards, vampires, leviathans, ghouls, and any other supernatural creatures you could think of. However, her main reason for reading it were werewolves.

Her favorite character in the novel was a young werewolf named Zander Sharpclaws, the bastard son of the evil werewolf king. Being a werewolf, he was often viewed as a ferocious beast by the magic-less people of the world, but he was anything other than ferocious. He was a gentle soul with a big, warm heart, and all he desired was to put an end to the ongoing war between the supernatural and the humans. Iris asked herself if the brown eyed beauty, Shawn was anything like Zander. She reached the conclusion that it was ridiculous of her to even consider that Shawn was a werewolf, or that werewolves existed. "I must be going crazy," she mumbled to herself.

Her smartphone began ringing, so she answered the call. "Dad, are you okay?" she asked Gavin.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine and on my way home. I had to stay late and finish some paperwork. Want me to pick you up something to eat?"

"I've already eaten dinner, but you can get me chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream."

"No problem, munchkin. I'll see you later."

"Drive safely."

After hanging up, the doorbell rang, making Iris jump. No one informed her that they would be coming over, so she was surprised and slightly afraid. She never liked being home alone at night, so all sorts of scary scenarios were racing through her head. It's only 8 pm, she reminded herself, no serial killer murders their victims this early into the night.

She got up from her bed, left her bedroom, and went downstairs to the front door. "Who is it?" she asked.



"Yeah, that's what I just said." Iris wondered what he wanted, so she decided to ask.

"I want to talk," he answered.


"Let me in and I will tell you."

"No, I don't trust you."

"You eavesdropped on a private conversation of mine. I deserve an explanation."

"Then we can continue talking through the door."

"The wind is blowing the rain toward me; I'm getting soaked."

I didn't tell you to go outside during a storm, she thought to herself. With reluctance, she finally opened the door for him. He rushed inside, and she quickly shut the door, fighting against strong, harsh wind. She turned toward his direction to find him drenched with rain water. He pulled his hoodie off and slicked his curly, wet hair back.

"You look like a wet dog," Iris stated, making a pun that left a confused look on his face. She wanted to kick herself for saying it. He's not Zander, he's a real human being, she tried convincing herself. "Take off your sweater, I'll put it in the dryer and grab you a towel."

Paradise Pines (Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now