Ch.13 bad self defense

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Patty stood in the line at McDonalds , nervous and clutching her money tightly. "Can I get by ?" A man asked while brushing against Patty "AGH ILL KILL YOU!" She shouted and the man jumped back "weirdo " he mumbled then walked off. Patty was sweating and felt like all eyes were on her and then she heard a woman speak "ma'am I can take your order " the woman at the counter said. "Let me get uhhhhh" Patty started then she looked over and seen a kind of scronny guy. He was moving his hands in a strange motion . He wore a white jacket and a red ascot with  fluffed black hair. Patty's eyes widened and her heart jumped into her throat. "Ma'am?" The woman at the counter kept saying . All voices faded out to Patty she knew how bad ass the moji gang was and she was scared but couldn't let what happened to Immanuel just slide. Patty began thinking to her self as F-moji stood at the counter . "If I get the jump on him while he doesn't notice me I can possibly win ...okay let's do this !" Patty thought to herself.

She dropped her money and gave F a hard push and he stumbled and fell hitting the coffe machine to his left and he hit the floor and Patty hopped on top of him and cocked her fist all the way back. F-moji threw his arms up to defend himself he started frantically making hand signs. "Your bad karate or demon hand signs won't save you now !" Patty was about to throw a punch but then she looked around and saw phones out recording and heard a woman in the crowd say "oh my goodness she's going to beat up that defenseless deaf boy !"

Patty stopped "you're deaf?" Patty lowered her fist. He shook his head hard and signed "yes" she stood him up and dusted him off "oh my gosh I'm so sorry I got your Snow White jacket covered in coffee.." Patty dabbed it with napkins.

"Why did you attack me?" F signed. "You're a bad guy !" Patty shouted. "I'm not a bad guy "F said "I just run with the mojis because they are good muscle ...I can't fight like all of them ...or have the heart to hurt anyone I'm just their computer guy I keep track of tech and money " F signed. Patty wondered if she could trust him. She flipped out a switch blade "show me where you live if you enjoy living ..." Patty said trying to find the moji hide out.

"I'm sorry speak clearer , pronounce your words harder I could not read your lips" F signed . "Show me where you live !" Patty said . F put his hands in the air and started walking slowly out of McDonald's. Patty felt like a thug forcing a deaf boy out of McDonald's with a switch blade but he could possibly be dangerous ...

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