Ch.27 finding F

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F took a step out of patty's house , she had been gone and he was fed up with sitting on the sofa all day so he decided he'd explore the city more than he already has.

He smoothed his hair to the side out of his face and straightened his jacket. F. Walked slowly admiring Immanuel's work , his mock of the city , it was amazing honestly.

He captured it all perfectly well...maybe the buildings were too tall but I haven't been alive for a while so I wouldn't know.

Oh yeah, you may have forgot it's me Rosetta narrating the story ... I know , been a while since the last chapter . Anyways

F walked the city for a few hours. Until "HEY BOY!" Was shouted from behind him

F didn't turn around "AYE !" The voice shouted "oh yeah he's deaf ..." the voice realized

He threw a pebble bonking F on the head. F turned around .  T started speaking in sign language " F I'm bringing you home !" T said . "Home !? " F replied " that isn't my home ! I feel UNLOVED , UNWELCOME! AND MISUNDERSTOOD!" F signed aggressively

"F I can't leave you here!" T signed "that . Is. Not. My . Home . I've found my home ! Leave" F signed

"What Home F?" T signed. F looked down "you ain't staying with them half beat boys are you !?" T gasped.

T coiled  his fist and a white energy started charging from his feet. F instantly saw hostility in T's body langue and knew he couldn't run away .

"....go away Truth !" F shouted " you're !COMING ! HOME!" T shouted. "If you won't come with me I'll have to force you brother !" T signed

Then in less than a second he flew towards F throwing a powerful punch.

F caught his fist but just hardly managed to keep it from knocking him over . A tear of pure sadness poured from F's eye "just because I'm scared doesn't mean I won't fight you !" F said letting more tears escape his eyes .

T threw a punch to F gut stunning him , then he kicked him sending him spinning into the wall next to him.

F stood up and blood leaked from his nose.

He was shocked at the sight of his own blood.

He charged at T and threw a punch, T ducked

F threw another punch and T blocked it hitting F with an upper cut.

F stumbled backwards and spat out blood . "F this doesn't have to get any worse ..." T said

F stood strong and put his fist up " I can't beat you T , no one can win every fight .... but no human should fall without a struggle !" F said .

T slipped a glove onto his hand , F almost shook with fear ....this glove contained enough power to burn F into ashes of pure nothingness
"You won't kill me ..." F said "no ...but I'll make sure it's close so you can remember that you belong to moji now..." T signed

He ran towards F and swung a hard punch , F back flipped and jumped off a wall dodging the punch .

he tried to tackle T by grabbing him by the waist but T elbowed him in the back . T charged the glove and F laid there trying not to cry ....he knew only pure pain waited for him.

T grabbed him by the hair "sorry F'll never look the same in the face " T signed with one hand before making a fist "but you'll never forget where you're from " he said softly .

He cocked his fist back and F closed his eyes

Then .....

T was kicked in the chin and he rolled backwards , " hey you okay ?" A young voice asked F . F didn't reply mostly because he wasn't looking at the young mans face while he was talking.

T looked up and seen a boy in a baggy hoodie with black and red hair. " who are you !?" T shouted with anger . Even though Helios was a full foot shorter than F . He held him up by the arm . He put up his one free hand and made a fist "im the guy who's going to stop you" Helios told T

"That isn't your property !" T cracked his knuckles "and nor is he yours ! He's a person ! I'm tired of bullies like you ... thinking you actually run something around here !" Helios said

"Oh kid you just don't know huh ? I'm one of the biggest -"

"Shut up ! " Helios interrupted "must love the sound of your own voice I'm guessing ? Can't find any other reason why you're talking so much " Helios said

T snarled and mad an ugly face and tightened his fist ...."you're dead ." He said then he charged at Helios

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