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OH my god don't read this trash chapter oof *burrows in kneecaps* such cringe smh

"Hey Jehovahs Witness, we're goin shopping" Tord said, slapping his crush, Tom, on the head to wake him up. Tord was sure Tom didn't like he im back, he was always an ass to him anyways, but if he dropped it then he would have to admit. Tord shook off these thoughts when Tom pulled him by the wrist of his sweater and growled through his teeth, "If you wake me like that again, I'll harpoon you through the head, got it commie?"

Tord was feeling hot as they had never been so close together and he could feel toms breath on his face. "F-fine" he said, tearing his hoodie out of his grasp. "But you have five minutes." He said slamming the door behind him. He ran to the bathroom and buried his face into his hoodie, which were both matching at this point, and breathed super heavy. He remembered his breath perfectly, even though tom had just woken up his breath smelled perfect. Tord went back into his dreamland when he heard pounding on the door. It was Edd. "Hey you've been in there for 10 minutes! Come out or we're leaving!" Tord groaned, just wanting to think about tom more and said, "Okay just one second!" He took a minute to look in the mirror. Still red. He turned out the tap water and splashed his face to where you could barely notice.

Toms POV

I can't believe that stupid commie dragged me into his life to love him! Why do I love him! He's been nothing but mean to me! But his soft brownish reddish hair.... and his grey eyes.... and the way his hoodie smelled when I put it on when he's not home... it was like chocolate and cinnamon. He totally hates me with a passion though, slapping someone on the head isn't how someone who love someone you would wake you up... although that's how I woke him up last week. When I did get up, Edd and Matt were huddled on the couch waiting for us. I put a smirk on my face and yelled "Why don't you gay lovebirds just makeout for the day?"

Edd whipped his head backwards and his face was super red. "T-Tom!! Stop being so rude! Besides we already know you have feelings for-"


I was NOT gonna let him embarrass me like that. I trusted that stupid kid with my secret! Of course matt didn't know because he tells everyone everything, but if tord knew before I was ready to tell him, I would've DIED. The walls are thin as fuck and Edd knew that very well from me having to bang on the wall when Matt gets 'scared' and wants to 'cuddle' and those are his 'noises of fear.' He thinks I'm stupid. Anyways, Edd started covering his nose and actually swore a few times! Matt was shaking and helping Edd and a arms distance so he wouldn't get his precious overcoat covered in blood. I apologized profusely and went to get tissues while thinking of how I would've dealt with it if tord had gotten hit. I would kick whoever did it's ass, asked where it hurt, get him tissues immediately and kiss his entire face until it stopped hurting. After that fiasco, I asked edd where tord was, and he went upstairs to find him

Le Time Skip and Tords POV

The car ride was getting kind of long and tom and I took a nap.... well Tom took a nap while I watched him. He looked so cute asleep and one thought led to another and... I'm thankful tom was asleep as I tried to make it go down. When we pulled into the parking lot I heard tom yawn, look up, and groan. "What are we, 16 year old girls? Why are we at a mall?"

"Hey, tom! The mall is AMAZING!" Matt said throwing his arms out, with a goofy grin on his face. "There's so many shiny things that reflect my perfect self!" He boasted, and then looked at edd. "And also my even MORE perfect boyfriend!" Edd blushed and they kissed while tom just looked like he was gonna rip the car in half. I was just laughing at his frustration and had to drag him out of the car.

"Where should we all go first?" I asked before edd could.

"Food court!" Edd said

"Nordstroms!" Matt pleaded

Eddsworld one shots (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now