Love Story (Tordedd-Request)

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(Requested by @Gay_Strawberry7 Thank you for requesting! If you don't ship, please still read a h I don't hardcore ship it either but i'm actually proud of this and lowkey ship it now, although i've always liked the ship anyways)

(Tords POV)

I parked my car in the driveway to Edd and I's apartment building. Edd and I have been dating for 5 months, but I had been on a business trip for two months and we had been separated that whole time. We texted pretty much daily but it wasn't the same as being able to hold him in person. I promised to him the second I got back we were going to spend the whole damned day together, but he didn't know the exact day I was getting back so I was gonna surprise him.

After running up the stairs with bags in my hands, I finally reached our apartment door. I fiddled with keys and opened the door after a small struggle and silently crept in. He was probably still asleep, with it being 6AM and his average time of waking up being 9. I set my bags down gently and opened the door, a small, but subtle, creek coming from it. Edd flinched in his sleep over at the small disturbance, but slowly went back to normal. God, he'd be useless in a break in I mentally chuckled, shutting the door behind me. I slowly crawled into bed behind him, gripping his shoulders and brushing my things lightly against them. Suddenly, my phone went off, and rather loudly, making Edd shoot up from his peaceful sleep. His hair was adorably messy, the soft chunks of it sticking out.
"Good morning, sunshine," I smiled,  his head spun around once he noticed me and the brightest smile I've ever seen lit up on his face. He dove on me in a bear hug and I laughed at his excitement.

"Tord!! How'd you sneak in? God, I missed you so much!" He said, burying his face in my neck. I put my hand in his hair, gripping a small ball of it. So soft... I thought, a hum being vocalized from it.

"Don't you want to sleep in a little longer, love? It's very early for you to be up." I said, lifting his head up to look me in the eyes. Edd shook his head and leaned in for a kiss. I gladly accepted and kissed back. It was short, enough sparks had gone off for it to be satisfactory.

"I guess, but god... I'm so ecstatic, I don't think I'll be able to shut my brain up." Edd replied with a toothy smile. God, what did I do to deserve this dork? I'm so lucky, I wish I could personally thank the angel that sent him down.

"Well, if you can't sleep, do you want me to get you anything? Coffee?" I questioned. His face scrunched up at the thought of coffee and he stuck his tongue out playfully in disgust.

"Ew, ya nasty. Make it hot chocolate, coffee tastes like acid." Edd reminded me. I snickered; how could I forget? I nodded at the request and lifted the blanket to do so, but he clung onto my hoodie, not wanting me to leave.

"Edd, I need to go get your hot chocolate, I can't do that with you clinging on me." I said.

"I don't want you leaving me again... you've already done that too many times." He sighed, biting his lip. I leaned in to kiss his forehead and held his hand.

"I won't be gone for long, I'm just going to be in the other room, if you 'miss me' you can just come out." I reassured. He looked up at me with his chocolate brown doll eyes shimmering. He bit his lip and smiled.

"Alright... just make sure you don't come back with crappy hot chocolate, I'd never forgive you." He giggled. I stroked his cheek and grinned, turning around to walk out the door. After shutting it behind me, I smiled so hard a tear escaped my eyes. Edd is the best thing I can consider mine and I don't know how I survived those two months without him. I walked into the the kitchen to make his hot chocolate and my coffee. After finishing making them, I took the hot drinks back into our room, setting them both on the end table before handing the hot chocolate to Edd. I watched him take his first sip, hoping he'd like it. I had accidentally added too much sugar but I prayed he wouldn't mind.

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