Pizza Man AU(Tomtord)

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sMuT wArNiNg

(also tord tops this time fite me)

Toms POV

I walked to the door of a swanky household with tons of cars parked outside. It must've been a party. I groaned and grabbed 5 boxes of pizza in each hand and walked up to the door. I never liked delivering to parties, all it did was remind me I'm stuck delivering pizza while other people get to have fun on their weekends. As I stepped up to the door and bent down to the doorbell to press it with my nose, since of course my hands were taken. While waiting for an answer, I started reading the receipt.

"Who puts pineapple on pizza? That's nasty!" I gagged. I was never a fan of pineapple in general and putting in on pizza just seemed foul.

"Heeeyy" I heard a male voice say. My head darted up from my shoes and I saw a possibly tipsy male trying to stand up by leaning against the door. He was tall and he was wearing a stained red hoodie and black skinny jeans.

"That'll be £160, k?" I said in a monotone voice.

"Yeah, yeah, just come in and I'll get it for yah, hon. Cool eyes." His words were carelessly thrown together and I swore I could hear an accent.

"I can't come ins- Ah!" He grabbed my elbow and started dragging me in. Not wanting to drop anything, I followed. The taller male took me to a table and I carefully set them down. While waiting for him to come back, I looked around. I could tell he was a rich popular kid; his house was a borderline mansion and there were people in it were of all different shapes, sizes, and races around my age.

"Here's the money, but do you wanna stay for a drink or two?" He handed me cash and winked. I checked my watch and shrugged. Why not?

"Sure, I could go for some drinks." I took my uniform hat off and placed it on a chair.

"Sweet!" He immediately handed me a red solo cup that was filled with alcohol and I took a sip. It was a bit strong but I've been drunk before, I could handle it.

"Thanks, cheers mate." I raised the cup a teeny bit in the air and drank again. "What's your name?"

"Do you care?"

"Yes, tell me." I locked eyes with him and he looked away.

I chewed back a smile but eventually snorted and started to snicker. "That's a name?! Oh my god! You must hate your parents!"
"Hey! It's just a different language! What's your name?"
"I'm just the pizza guy, you don't need to know me on a personal level."
"You just asked for mine and made fun of it, you scared of the same thing happening?" He scoffed and put on a smirk as if he fooled me.
"Thomas, Tom, T-Bag, anymore?"
"Tsk," Tord sipped from his cup, "That's so basic."
"Whatever, this party is basic."  I retorted. He playfully looked shocked and brought his hand to his chest.
"That cuts deep man, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."
"Yeah I should probably anyways, I gotta return the money to m-"
"You can't leave! Just stay five more minutes." He pleaded like a ten year old.
"Listen, we're strangers to each other, I leave and I never have to see you again. Deal?"
"Everyone's a stranger before you get to know them, Tom."
"Let's keep it that way."

I finished the cup of vodka and excused myself to get some more when I saw a ginger in a purple hoodie dancing on a table being showered with Monopoly money by a guy in a green hoodie. I made eye contact with the green one and raised the empty cup to him and he winked and gave me finger guns. I walked away and snickered, they seemed cool.

~Le timeskip~

After 4 cups of vodka and a few shots, I started to feel the room spinning. I still had a conscious mind but I couldn't shake the feeling of not being able to focus. I still had to get back to work but I couldn't do that while being drunk, and I had lost track of time anyways. While trying not to stumble over, I walked up the stairs and into a quiet room to get away from all the noises downstairs. I could still feel the thumping from the dancing, running, shouting, and music through the floor. I rubbed my hand on the wall before hitting a light switch and seeing a flicker at the top of the room. Once my eyes adjusted to the lighting change, I saw a 4 wooden blocks resting atop the bed headstand that were carved into the letters T, O, R, and D.

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