Blind (Tomtord-Request)

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(A request by @GingerGiraffe101 , thanks you for your submission that are taking forever because wattpad is being an asshole. Also I altered it slightly I hope you don't mind ahhsnmsskj ToT

Toms POV

An hour had passed since Tords' robot had crashed down and probably ruined our lives forever. I guess I was lucky since I had gotten an apartment for myself to live in, plus Edd and Matt founds a few nearby, but I couldn't shake off my guilt. I had killed someone. I had taken a life from a man who had around 100 years to do anything he could in the sandbox game of life, but no. Tord wasn't coming back and it's my fault.

But what if he was alive?

I shook my head. Could that even be possible? A fall from that height, plus the crash and the smoke fumes? Something told me to go check out the 0.000000000000000001 percent chance he was alive. Hell, maybe it would clear my guilt.


I huffed as I had finally gotten to the top of the hill where it happened. I was certainly not in shape for this kind 'exercise.' I scanned the area and at the very edge, there was a pile of rubble with a wrist poking out. I felt myself go pale when the hand clenched out of the blue and let out a shriek. I tried to deny it was him in my mind but every fiber of my being was screaming, 'He's fucking alive.' I grabbed the nearest stick and poked the pale hand. A groan of pain broke the silence and I poked the hand again and he grabbed the stick roughly. I pulled back, but he was stronger so the stick ended up breaking and making me tumble over.

"H-help..." The raspy Norwegian voice spoke. I crawled over and pushed around rubble until I could see his entire body. His hoodie was ragged and torn up beyond repair and his skin was so pale from blood loss it made me gag.

"T-Tord..." I muttered. He lifted his self up, using his arms as support, but his head was still hanging low. Once his head raised up though, my stomach felt extremely sick.
You see, his eyes were normally Silver, but they were completely cold and dead now, scars going through them. His pupil was practically nonexistent.

"I... I can't..." Tord whispered to himself. "I'm blind?"

That's when I threw up.

"What have I done!?" I choked, wiping the puke from my lips. I looked back at Tord, completely shaking. He was bleeding still, and pretty badly. He fell back to his knees and onto the grass again. Passed out again. My guilt and shame was so built up that I had to do something. I panicked last second and lifted his almost lifeless body up and tossed him over my shoulder. This was a challenge, due to his height, but he was surprisingly lighter than you'd think. I carried him back to the apartment and lied him down on the couch, supporting his head with a pillow. I went into the bathroom and grabbed ace bandages and pain killers for Tord and rushed back out. Alright, arm first, then pain killers, I thought, planning out my actions carefully so he wouldn't die. I lifted his limp arm up and wrapped the bandages around it tightly. After securing it, I tried shaking him a bit to wake up. A groan filled the silence and his eyes opened halfway. I put on a small smile knowing I hadn't committed homicide.

"W...where?" Tord mumbled softly. Right... he's blind... I remembered. The smile faded.

"Welcome," I said, half tauntingly. Tord sprung up but quickly retreated from the pain.

"Tom!?" He yelled, rather loudly. "You made me fucking blind?"

"Just... drop it. I'm sorry, alright?"

"Sorry doesn't bring back my vision, Thomas,"

"It also doesn't bring back the house, our memories, our old life, and our overall happiness back either does it now? No, but just accept it." I hissed, mocking his tone. "Just stay still, I'll get some water." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Dixie cup, filling it with cold water from the sink. I'm so crazy for letting this freak show in my house but the stupid side of me just feels like it's right. I walked back out to see Tord furiously rubbing his eyes, most likely to bring his vision back. "Dude, that won't help, you're probably blind from the rubble anyways so you're just pushing it deeper."

"Shut up, they're blind from being scarred." He growled, folding his arms.

"Tilt your head back." I said, picking up the pain killers.


"Just do it." He obeyed reluctantly. I put the pills in the palm of his hand and poured some water into his mouth to wash it down. After realizing what to do, he did so rather quick and buried his head in his knees.

"Am I gonna be blind forever?"


"Great, I'm homeless and blind. Plus, it's not like I can get a job anywhere." Tord ranted. I couldn't help but feel guilty for this all being my fault. It's my fault he's blind and it's my fault he's crippled. So, I had to do what any sane person would never do to their enemy.

"You can stay with me, I'll look after you." I shrugged.

"You can't possibly mean that."

"But I do, it's my fau-"

"Thank you, Tom. And I really mean it. Thank you." He smiled turned his head away, facing down. "And I'm sorry for being rude, I don't hate you that much even though you despise me."

"Yeah well... now that you're blind it's just what's best." I said, sitting down on the foot of the couch.

"Are you infront of me?" Tord asked.

"Yeah, you could say that." I mumbled. He leaned forward to give a small hug and I froze. He wasn't really the type to give hugs and this was a shock. Once he pulled away, I hugged back, just to he even. Tord smiled and covered it with his hand to make it seem like he was yawning and I rolled my eyes, laying back down.

I could get used to living with Tord.

(I'm thinking of writing a book based on The End Of The Fucking World but with Tomtord, but I'd have to put this on hold, would that be fine?

*mouth pop* ur mom gei)

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