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I'm not fulfilling your rape fantasies in the form of fanfiction.
You know who you are
You're disgusting

Edit: one of you commented 'it's a request, shouldn't you take it anyways?' I deleted it and if you saw it please don't witch hunt, they didn't know.

Do you know how hard it is to write? I have to take days, weeks even out of my time to write down shit, edit, and make sure it's as good as it can be. I do it all for you guys, to make you happy (if I even do that). I've cried and panicked because a request was taking to long. I failed classes in my old private school just because I knew how to finish a oneshot so i didn't do the homework. Asking me to write triggering shit, especially since I've been sexually assaulted, it makes me want to just stop, and having someone make me feel guilty for not hurts more.

This fandom makes me want to just leave the Internet, but always somehow draws me back in

Eddsworld one shots (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now