In the Open (Tomtord-Request)

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(Request submitted by @BrieSaunders , Thank you for requesting!)

Toms POV

I drunkenly stumbled with my arm around Tord's neck. It was 1:28 AM and the world was getting quieter and quieter by the second. It was almost as if we had it all to ourselves, and that was just how I liked it. We had been dating for two months already and it wasn't uncommon for us to do things like this; go out, get dinner, get drunk, go home, but walking home today felt different. I couldn't put my finger on why, but I felt spark-like urges in my chest tease him.

I started off slow by caressing his collarbones through his hoodie, loving every shiver and snicker he made.
"T-Tom, could you not right now? I'm trying not to let you fall." He stuttered. I could tell I found the spot.

"Kiss me." I boldly said aloud.

"Wh-" I grabbed a ball of his hair and forced his face onto mine, but didn't stop there. After he separated and looked away shyly, I bit his neck causing him to let out a gasp.

"T-Tom not now!" His voice was hitched along with his breath. I loved doing this to him. I continued tugging at his hair and leaving love-bites on his neck before I also began kneeing between his legs. This is when he decided he had enough and slung me over his shoulder and into a nearby alleyway next to a club and a closed restaurant. He sat me down but I grabbed the collar of his black overcoat and pulled him down on top of me, roughly kissing him while I was at it. Adrenaline was taking over my actions, I was blinded by the rush so couldn't tell how dangerous this was. I grinded upwards on his pelvis, making small whimpers escape from his mouth as he curled his head into my chest. I loved doing this to him.

"Tord, fuck me." I whispered in his ear.

"R-right here?" He stuttered. His breath was shaky and all the color drained from his face, but it was still lit by the purple and blue lighting of the signs in the city.

"Right now." I smirked. Tord looked amazing from this angle and in this lighting.

"I-" He paused for a bit to think. I already predicted the words that would come out of his mouth when he opened it. "Okay..."

I smiled. Everything was going my way, just how I liked it. This was a huge risk, but that's what made it hot. He tore off his overcoat and I slipped my cold hands up his hoodie making him shudder. His visible breath in the cold showed how heavy he was breathing. I chuckled at how easy he was turned on.

"W-what's so funny?" Tord huffed.

"You." I smiled, twirling a strand of his hair in my fingers. I expected myself to do all the work, until he forcefully tore my hoodie off and bit down on my chest. A gasp of pleasure escaped me as he did so. He pinned my wrists against the cold concrete wall with one hand and grabbed my waist with the other as I squirmed. I started to feel the guilt build up with the lightheadedness in my head and the butterflies in my stomach. I thought I was going to puke, and he knew this. He rubbed his hand up and down my spine in comfort before  gripping my hips and harshly grinding. I tilted my head back and let out a soft 'Mmmm.' Tord undid my jeans and pulled them to my kneecaps irritatingly slow as I shivered from the cold.

"Tom, are you sure you want this? I'm not okay with anything you're not." Tord stated before starting to rub me down there. My breath hitched as I nodded and he smiled in relief. He kept rubbing as he started to pull my underwear down and I looked away; feeling warmth around my cheeks and shoulders. Tord pulled up my dick and gave it a few pumps before wrapping his lips around the tip. I let a small, but audible, moan escape my lips on accident and Tord's eyes widened at me, as if they were lightly scolding me to be careful with my noises. I couldn't help it, this was a whole new experience. Sex in public wasn't an everyday thing and I got excited easily. He bobbed his head deeper and swirled his tongue around, I could tell he had gotten a piercing on it as well. I swallowed my saliva, trying not to let noises escape, but Tord wasn't making it that easy for me.

"A-ah- Tord, you're n-not making this e-easy for me- Ah~!" I groaned, but quickly bit down on my lip in regret. I bucked my hips in pleasure, practically begging for more and making Tord gag. He didn't stop though, this just made him go deeper and harder. He swirled his tongue faster and more, leaving saliva on every corner he could. I grabbed a ball of his hair and tugged a bit violently, causing him to whimper, I immediately felt bad for hurting him, but I couldn't help myself. My nails dug into his scalp as he bobbed his head up and down. I couldn't help it as I let moans and groans spill out my mouth, and covering it with my hand only muffled it. Tord continued going faster and harder and I felt the orgasmic pleasure build up in my lower abdomen. My hips bucked faster as the pressure in my stomach kept getting worse and worse. I gave up trying to hide it and ended up a loud, moaning, blushing mess as I was climaxing. My vision was blurry and all my attention was on how this felt and I couldn't care less about who heard me. I finally came in Tord's mouth and he lifted his head up, looking me directly in the eye as he wiped his mouth. I looked to the side and fiddled with my fingers. "S-sorry.. was I too loud?"

"No! You were fine, I was rough..." Tord smiled, grabbing my shoulder. I smiled and pulled my pants and everything back up with one arm sling around his shoulder. We walked out of the alley and Tord grabbed his phone to call an Uber to get home while I facepalmed and leaned against the wall of a building.

"We're so stupid..."

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