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(Toms POV)

I sat on the couch trying to get some rest when I heard the shower in the bathroom come on. The walls are paper thin so it sounded like a rainstorm in the living room and I decided to move. I lazily pulled myself up with the blanket before getting a brilliant idea.

I wanna pull a prank

Normally, all my pranks were just stupid, like pulling a gun and it actually being fake, but no one really ever falls for it except Matt and small children. Deciding I needed help, I went upstairs to Edds room since he's the joke master.
I knocked on the door before opening and I saw Edd drawing under the covers.
"Hey Edd?"
"Yello!" He said, popping up like a weasel. He tossed his sketchbook at the edge of the bed and threw his legs over the edge.
"I kindasortawanna pull a prank on whoever is in the shower..."
"Oh I have a perfect thing, just do the flushy toilet hot water thing and get them shook."
"But I can't get caught! I'll look like a creep!"
"Finnnee, I'll do it and you take credit."
"Thanks Edd, you rock. Let's go." I waited for him to follow me and we rushed downstairs to the bathroom door, giggling like preschoolers.
He quietly opened the door and walked me in sneakily and as we walked to the toilet to flush it, Matt poked his head through the door. Edd immediately gave him the shush sigh and he mouth 'What are you doing?'
'Pulling a prank!' Edd mouthed back. I agreed with him until I started to think this through.
If Matt was out there, then that would mean the person in the shower was....


I was about to bail but it was too late.
Edd had flushed the toilet, ran out, and slammed the door behind him, causing a lot of noise. I ran to the door as well but it was jammed shut. Just my luck. Panic settled in until I heard the familiar accent.
"What the- wait.. ow ow OW OW OW OW FUCKFUCKFUCK!" Tord screamed and jumped out of the shower and it looked VERY clear I had something to do with this, mostly because I was panicking at the doorway. I looked back at Tord and we made eye contact, the most awkward situation ever. I looked him up and down and realized he hadn't had a towel and was very exposed. I could feel myself turning red.
Tom, you are locked in a bathroom with your enemy and he's naked and you're blushing. Your option are: Suicide, suicide, suicide, or all of the above, I thought to myself.
"Holy turnip in a teacup, well I can explain-" I said, clearly not being able to explain. I tried to look him in the eyes but they kept traveling downwards and I was about to scream.
"Uh... Just because your eyes are black doesn't mean I can't tell you're staring." He said totally judging me. I turned even hotter and redder while he was as well. I bit my lip and looked away while contemplating how to kill myself. Tord covered himself up in the shower curtain as I kept my eyes closed.
"DONT YOU HAVE ANY TOWELS?" I yelled. He peeked out from behind the shower curtain and pointed at the space next to me.
Right there sat 2 fluffy towels and I could either bring them or he could come get them, both required his dick WAY too close to me in any way.
"Just bring them you dick!" He hissed, clearly able to see the disgust and cringe in my face. I picked them up and clenched my eyes closed and attempted to walk them over without tripping. Since I'm a moron, I tripped over everything before finally swiftly ripping the shower curtain back and throwing the at Tord. I opened my eyes and ran back to the door and hid in my knees trying to cover my blush. As much as I tried not to see anything, I had seen it all.
But it wasn't b-bad or anything- his body is fine.... really fine... He has curves almost like a girl but you can still tell he's masculine, and he wasn't muscly or anything but that didn't make him look worse, and the lower you got the better it go-
"Agh!" I groaned. The bathroom door had just hit me in the spine and I heard laughter followed by the door closing again. I grabbed the handle with all my might and pulled with all my weight.

And it opened!

But it brought two giggling boys in with it on the door handle.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF EDDSWORLD CEREAL DID YOU DO?" I screamed while running out the bathroom looking for eye bleach.
"We held the door handle so you couldn't get out." Matt said nonchalantly as Edd face palmed. Tord walked out with his hair dripping and a towel around his waist trying not to make eye contact with me. I stared him down wishing that looks could kill until he finally looked up at me.
'Fuck you commie' I mouthed. A smirk crept across his face and he winked and mouthed 'Like what you saw?' I gasped under my breath and turned bright red again. I wasn't gonna lie.... I did enjoy it, but I'd rather forget it entirely...

Or maybe just the embarrassment part so all the visual could stay

Eddsworld one shots (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now