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One day late for Halloween babbyyyy
BASICALLY it's a college costume party yeet

Warning it's shit

Edds POV

I retreated to the bathroom in the middle of a costume party Tom, Tord, and some of their other friends were having. Usually, I'm not too shy but all the loud noises were stressing me out. After a small calm down session, I walked back out and immediately bumped into a taller figure and internally crapped myself.
"S-Sorry!" I stammered. I looked up and saw two blue eyes with a hint of violet and ginger hair that was buried under a crown.
"Oh it's no big deal! What's your costume? My name is Matt by the way." He said with a smile. Is this how you make friends?
"Oh uh.... Superhero... It's kinda dumb. My name is Edd."
"What? Its not dumb, Edd. At least you aren't a 'sexy' anything and you're just more you."
"Oh uh.. Thanks!" I felt myself heating up. Oh god what was this? I felt all tingly inside.
"Wanna go out to the porch? I don't drink and I don't really like being around drunk people,"
"Ah, same. Yeah let's head out."
I flinched as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out to the balcony. My hands were normally really cold and feeling something really warm touch them heated everything inside me up like a chain reaction. Once we were outside we just kinda stood there silently. What could I say? I didn't know he existed until 5 minutes ago!
"So are you friends with Tom, Tord, Pau, and or Pat?"
"No, I just didn't want to be alone without my roommates. Weird things happen when I'm alone! Are you?"
"Yeah, Tom and Tord and I are pretty good friends... As in I'm good friends with them individually, they hate the crap out of each other! They only cooperate when their drunk."
"Sounds toxic, I don't have many friends but who needs friends when I have myself to keep me company?" He smirked and posed. We both laughed and I laughed so hard I fell over, which made us laugh even more at my awkwardness.  I stood up and dusted off only to find a drunken Tom dashing over to us. He threw an arm around Matts waist which clearly made him uncomfortable so he backed off.
"Did you fall from heaven? Cuz your the only ten I seeeeee... Hah nailed it." Tom slurred his words.
"I don't think that's how it goes. Also what's up with your eyes?" Matt questioned. My eyes widened because I knew what happens when Tom hears that question but then Tord raced over.
"Sorry Edd and uh.... You. Tom is very shitfaced."
"It's Matt!"
"Oh sorry... Are you two..?" Tord stuck up two fingers and crossed them symbolising dating. I turned bright red and looked at Matt for the answer but he had done the same to me.
"No!" I said
"Yes!" He said
"No, yes to the No!"
"NO!" We both blurted back. God that was hard. Tord just looked confused and dragged Tom off by picking him up under the shoulders.
"That was..."
"Something" Matt finished my sentence.
"Yknow Matt, you're pretty swell."
"Hah, I know... Wait really?" He sounded like he processed what I said halfway through his reply.
"Yeah, let's be friends!"
" I was thinking something more..." He smirked.
"Woah dinner and movie first-"
"Best friends!"
"oh... OH okay sounds great! Can I get your number?"
"Sure edd!" He got out a slip of paper and wrote his number down and handed it to me.
"Thanks mate." I said stuffing it in my pocket. We both heard calling for his name and Matt sighed.
"Well, I gotta go. See you later!"
"Hah yeah... See you."

Timeskip to next day

I lied in bed trying to drown out the noise of Tord helping Tom with his hangover by pulling his hair back whilst he ejected his lungs. This is why I don't drink. I reached into my pocket to get my headphones and felt a slip of paper. As I pulled it out, memories flooded in like a tidal wave and I cringed and smiled at the same time. As I opened the paper I gasped a little in shock.

Did I just get someone's phone number? DID I DO THAT?! I GOT A CUTE GUYS PHONE NUMBER?!!?!!

Tord walked out of the bathroom while I was having a mini celebration clearly unhappy.
"Why are you all happy?"
"Oh it's nothing." I smiled. But i knew exactly what it was

I think I found my soulmate

Eddsworld one shots (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now