Bye Derek

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Stiles pov

Today's the day that Derek leaves for Mexico.With his girlfriend Braydon.
Yeah that's fucking right he has a girlfriend!'s not like I've liked him for like 3 years .The whole pack is in the living room of the loft.
"Bye Derek , by Braydon." Is what most of the pack said together . "By Sour Wolf!" I yelled as he walked out . I know Braydon doesn't like me but I don't really care.
"Take care of the pack for me Stiles!" Derek yelled back . That's easy, No problem.

(One week later)

Okay maybe it wasn't a problem at first but Theo is now here and it's a problem.
(let's pretend all the dread doctor stuff happened early and Theo is good now.)

"Stiles?" It was Issac, he's my best friend since Scott seems to leave me for anyone he can. "Yes Izzy?" I asked and smiled he looked sad. I was really concerned. He could be upset for a large number of reasons, "Oh no, Issac what's wrong?" I asked he hugged me. "I miss Derek." He said and started crying . I wish I was able to make him feel better about this. Derek was like a parent to him. "Don't cry just call him leave him a message saying you miss him." I said knowing that Issac would. "It's only been a week ." He said looking at me. He probably didn't want to be a bother to Derek. Isaac was always such a kind person. He never wanted to do something that bothers others.

"It's okay I'm sure he'll understand you're his pack." I smiled and he nodded. Scott came down and Issac's smile got bigger.
I know Issac likes Scott because he told me so. I personally think it's really cute,
"Calm down or soon that smile will fill the loft." I laughed a little and he frowned.
"Hey not funny!" He whined. I just smiled at him again, "Scott get the rest of the pack here for dinner." I said and he growled but nodded. Weird, "What's up his ass?" I asked and Issac got a little upset. "Not me." He pouted.

"I'm sure you will be soon." I rolled my eyes and he laughed a little. I'm glad I could make him laugh. "Spaghetti for dinner, Puppy?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. Issac left the kitchen.
I already got used to how much I have to cook for the pack.

(Time skip to dinner.)

Everyone had a plate and sat on the floor or on the couch. The table wasn't big enough for the whole pack. So we had to spread out and eat in separate areas. I feel like it really divides us but maybe it won't.
"So Theo do you have a place to stay?" I asked breaking the silence, "No." He said taking a bite of his food. That's a bit odd to me. I thought he still had his parents,
"Oh, well you can stay here with me and Issac if you want ." I offered it was probably not a good idea but whatever.

"Oh you probably don't have another room." He said and I nodded .
"There's actually another one upstairs." I said knowing he would be able stay.
"Thanks." Was all he said. Theo was pretty weird but I needed to get used to him. Especially now since he'll be staying with me and Isaac.After we finished dinner I cuddled with Issac while the whole pack watched a movie. Scott looked a little mad but I wasn't too interested in finding out why. I was comfy and didn't want to deal with drama.

"Kira be my girlfriend?" Scott asked Kira and she nodded. That looked like the most staged ask out ever but still, What the hell? "S-Stiles?" Issac said
I knew he was going to start crying damn it Scott. Isaac has been more sensitive lately since Derek was gone. Derek never really babied him so I always did. Since Derek's gone no one is here to be tough on him. There's no balance now that Derek left. "Everyone but Liam, Theo, and Issac out of the loft now!" I said, I was irritated and mad at Scott. He didn't have any reason to just out of nowhere make a huge deal. He asked her out so loud for no reason.

"Why?" He asked, he looked amused which didn't help. "NOW!!" I yelled so loud it filled the place everyone went pouring out. I hated the way screaming made me look. It was Derek's thing and no one hated him for it. But my so called best friend doesn't like me anymore because of it. Once Theo shut the door Issac broke down. "Stiles I-I don't know what to do honestly." Issac cried putting his head on my shoulder. I'm scared Isaac is putting himself in a hole he can't crawl out of. He was almost always so sad.

"You just make sure he doesn't see you cry they won't last ,Okay?" I say and he nodded. "Liam you can sleep in Issac's room if you want. Theo your room is the door that doesn't have the name Issac on it." I smiled at him. I watched as he nodded, "What about you guys ?" They asked. "We'll sleep in the bed in the corner over there." I nodded my head to the place Derek used to sleep. It was sweet that they cared about us. Especially Theo since he has issues. Everyone does but he's gone through so much. I continued to hold Isaac until he stopped crying. This is going to be one hell of a year. Derek, I miss you.

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