Sperate and calls

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Stiles pov

I woke up and smiled I felt thin muscular arms wrapped around me, Isaac. "Issac." I whispered and turned around. Issac was smiling back at me with tired eyes. Haha he'a so adorable. "Are liam and Theo here?" Issac asked sounding curious.
I nodded my head and he smiled at me. They were always here but I think he forgot that they live here. He moved his head closer and pressed his lips on mine.

It wouldn't be the first time this happened me and Issac make out sometimes when we're sad or mad. I just didn't like it as much as I could. I think it's understandable. He's my best friend and I'd do anything for him. The kisses started to get faster and a little sloppy but that didn't stop us. I started to feel Issac getting excited and smiled a little.
Then we were stopped by door sliding open. I quickly look up and see Scott standing there looking mad.

"What the hell!?" He yelled looking at us.
I was utterly confused, why is it okay for him and Kira to make out but when me and Issac do it secretly it's not okay?
"What Scott?" I asked looking at him like he was insane. This man is really irritating. "Why are you making out with Issac in bed?" He glared at me and I just laughed. Of course he needed me to state the obvious. "Because Issac is my boyfriend and I wanted to kiss him." I stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world because it is.

"Okay that's it." Scott looked mad and I had a feeling something was about to happen. I called a pack meeting in 20 minutes while me and Issac get ready.
Theo and Liam came down the stairs to eat cereal. Once everyone was in the loft the meeting started. "Hey guys how was everyone's morning?" I asked trying to start small talk. "Good" is all I heard and I nodded. It's always nice to know that they're all okay.

"Stiles shouldn't be aloud to date Issac who else agrees?" Scott asks out of the blue. I didn't even get to ask if anyone was hungry. No one raised their hands except for Kira of course. I rolled my eyes and waited to see what's gonna happen next.
After a few seconds a roar escaped the alphas lips and Liam and Theo raised their hands. Scott abusing his alpha powers.

"Scott I don't think it's right that you come here to demand people to tell me I can't date Issac ." I said because it's the truth it's wrong. If he likes Issac he can say it. "Shut the hell up Stiles! I can do what I want you. treat this pack as if they were weak, I hate the way you run things. Now that Derek is gone you'll never be alpha ever you're just human! Everyone who comes with me is in the McCall pack everyone else can stay with the Hale pack." Scott's voice was firm and what he said about me hurt but I wasn't going to let it show.

This whole thing was pathetic. Scott making everyone choose a side. This isn't how it works either. If he acts this way I'm sorry for those that actually leave with him. Lydia gave me a sympathetic look and went with Scott I understood why she went with him. He needed her more. She is smart and would most likely keep him in check. Liam and Theo went and of course Kira went. I wasn't too sure why Theo went at first. Then I realized he might have a thing for Liam.

Malia and Issac stayed with me.
Scott left with his pack. "Now What?" I asked tears stinging my eyes. I blinked to try to stop them from coming out. "Call Derek." Issac looked down at me and I nodded. I pulled out my phone and called Derek. "Hey Stiles." Derek didn't sound as happy as yesterday. He sounded tired, "Hey Derek, so Scott took most of the pack. Because of the whole Isaac thing. Only Malia stayed and we don't know what to do. Please come back home." I was panicking. I didn't know what to do. Scott probably was already planning something and I'm here with a 3 person pack.

"I can get you a pack but I won't be back for 2 days." Derek was quick with his answer and I nodded. "Who would be in the pack?" I was curious to know if he actually had people to join. Also how fast he could actually come up with a pack, "Deucalion, Ethan, Jackson, Cory, Mason, Me and you guys. Make sure you go get Cory and mason right away. We don't need Scott to take them too. The rest of us should be there in 4 to 5 hours." He sounded serious but I couldn't help it. I smiled at how he sounded. This man is amazing.

"Thanks Derek, you're the best. I gotta go call Mason now. Bye Sour Wolf." I quickly hung up the phone and dialed Mason. I had hope that Scott didn't get to him first.
"Hello?" It sounded like he was still sleeping. "Hey Mas sorry to wake you but I need to tell you something." I sighed, I really did feel bad about waking him. "Okay what is it?" Mason no longer sounded tired. He sounded slightly worried. "Okay so Scott was against me and Isaac dating. He broke up the pack I only have Malia and Isaac. I was wondering if you and Cory wanted to join." I was hoping he'd say yes. I know Liam is his best friend but I need him.

"You have to call Cory separately because we aren't together right now but I'm in." I was really happy he actually said yes. I hope this works, "Awesome thank you so much, come to the loft." I was excited at this point. "Okay bye." I hung up and quickly dialed Cory's number. "Hey did you need something?" Cory didn't sound mad. He's always super sweet. "Hey Cory can I tell you something?" I asked, heard shuffling on the other end of the phone.

"If it's about the pack thing then Mason already texted me. I'm in but does this mean we have to fight with them?" I didn't know how to answer this question. The answer was probably yes but I was hoping we didn't have to. "If that's what it comes to the yeah but I hope it doesn't." I answered him with the truth. I had no reason to lie "Me too." I heard him sigh and I could tell he was tired of this. "Okay thanks Cor. Meet us at the loft with Mason, bye." I hung up the phone and took in a deep breath

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