Confessions pt.1

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Stiles pov

I kinda waited for Scott to do something because he always does something in the moment or waits till later. I think he's gonna come at us later. I wish I could say I wasn't expecting it but I was. He's very predictable. Especially since you've been his best friend for years. "Pack night? it's a Friday." I asked looking around while quickly looking back at the road. I got a bunch of nods. I continued to drive back to the loft. "Someone text Cory and Mason." I said and watched as Liam pulled out his phone.

Pack nights were always my favorite because everyone got together and just enjoyed each other's company. It always brought the pack closer together. "Oh and someone order pizza please." I said and watch as Theo pulled out his phone they're such a cute couple. I know I didn't like Theo at first but Liam always trusted him. Theo was always there for Liam. We all walked into the loft, "Der come here." I said and watched as Derek walked over. He looks like a god. "I think Scott might attack tonight so be ready but don't tell the pack." I whisper low enough so the rest of us couldn't hear me. He nodded and walked off.

*Time skip*

I was being cuddled by Issac on the couch while we watched a movie. I noticed how most people had someone except for Derek. He always sat alone even before the pack split. He would always stand at a wall or sit on a couch all by himself. I was having such a great time wishing that it could always be like this except I'd want to be cuddled with Derek. I always wonder what his strong arms would feel like wrapped around my body. I mean why-I heard the alarm system sound and everyone looked alert.

The wolves all changed into their wolf forms. I looked over at Scott's pack and it looked like they had Aiden with them.
(He's not dead in this story)
We started to shuffle into pairs
Derek and Erica
Boyd and Jackson
Issac and Malia 
And I'm left and so is the Alpha
"The Alpha's mine fight who You'd think it'd be a fair match." I said and Waited
No one moved so I threw a dagger at Scott. I had been training with the Derek one on one for a while. So I was ready for a fight if it ever happened. Scott was too focused on Issac so he didn't catch it and it hit his arm. I heard Aidan roar and run towards me but Liam and Theo stopped him.

Scott ran at me and after that everyone started to fight. I grabbed two daggers from my belt and dodged the punch he threw at me. I cut his sides and he growled trying to grab me but I moved and stabbed him in the back. Ironic I know. He let out a scream that stopped everyone the knife was laced with wolfs bane. It was an easy hit. I know he wouldn't expect for me to do that but he needed to be stopped.

"Well Scott now you know how Issac feels, you know with getting stabbed in the back. Oh just to let the rest of your little pack know. Uhm let's see, oh yeah that dagger was laced with a very rare yet very poisonous wolfs bane." I said looking around even my pack seemed spooked. I looked at Issac who was probably trying not to cry so I winked at him and he got my message "Stiles enough." Derek said looking at me I winked at him and said "Aww come on Derek it'll only take 5 more minutes until he dies." His pack all took in a sharp breath.

"So who wants Scott dead? raise your hand" I asked and no one did it. I laughed a little. If I was an alpha I'd do the same thing Scott did to me. "Fine." I said and stabbed him with a needle that had a cure
"All better now no one leaves until I say so everyone sit." I said, I am going to get everyone to confess even if I die today. This whole thing needs to get sorted out.
"So Scott tell Issac how you really feel then break up with kira because I know how you really feel about Issac." I said looking at him with that death glare that always made him tell the truth ever since we were kids. I'm so annoyed with this kid. He literally couldn't tell the truth until I stabbed him with wolfs bane.

"What about you?" He asked looking at me "Oh right well we're all gonna confess and I have my own confession so just wait oh also issac babe we have to break up." I said looking at Issac and he nodded. I laughed easiest break up ever. "I um- I ugh FUCK IT. I love Isaac, sorry kira it's over." He said looking at Issac kira didn't look like she cared much though. Maybe she dated Scott for the same reason Scott did. To make someone jealous, "Issac." I said looking at him.

"Scott be my boyfriend? pleaseeee" Issac said looking at Scott, Scott nodded. They kissed and a bunch of people said 'aww' I was one of them. They're cute there's no way I was going to just watch it without saying anything. I'm glad Issac was finally happy. He deserved it.

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