Watch your back

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Issac's pov

"Issac?" Stiles asked me curiously, I could smell the hurt rolling off of him in huge waves and then it turned to sadness. I guess Stiles feels the same way about this situation. like he knows this isn't real but it still hurts and I understand that 100% it would hurt anyone. It didn't matter if it was fake I cheated on him. "Issac how could you do this to me?" he asked there was so much hurt in his voice. That you really didn't need to be a werewolf to smell it. I saw tears build up in his eyes but he didn't stay long enough for them to fall he quickly got up with his things and ran out the door.

"Stiles!" I yelled but he was already gone. I grabbed my things and quickly ran out after him. The teacher started running out telling me to wait but I couldn't. I had no time left I had to make sure he was okay.
Once I found Stiles crying on a rock in the woods I dropped my bag and sat next to him. "You wanna know what the worse part is Issac?" I internally cringed because I already knew this was gonna hurt like a bitch. "What babe?" I cringed when I said babe. I knew he hated it when people did that, try to make the situation seem less important to me by calling him that.

"It's that it hurt when it shouldn't because we're not together but it still does." I know he's right so I nodded. "Stiles i'm really sorry. I know what you mean, I felt like a piece of shit because it still felt like i was cheating and you don't deserve that." I said looking at him he nodded and got back up he started walking back towards the school. He was still upset I could tell. I'm just not sure there's anything I can do about it at this point.

Mean while at school

Jackson's pov

"Guys have you seen Stiles?" I asked the pack but they all shook their heads. Where's the little shit? I don't need him for anything I just wish to know where he's at. "I did he ran out of class crying like the little bitch he is because Issac kissed someone else." Scott said laughing at the end I just growled then smirked. I'm gonna make sure McCall gets it. I've been eating for this moment for a long time, "Call my Alpha that again and you won't be alive to see me fuck your girlfriend...again." I said feeling proud of myself. That was a good one, "Stiles can never and will never be an Alpha of this weak and stupid pack because he's just a stupid little weak human." Scott smirked I would've said something if I didn't see Stiles and Issac walking in holding hands.

"Wow Scott that's real low. Try coming up with something that didn't already come from Derek's mouth, oh wait you can't. Because you don't have enough brain to think for yourself." Stiles smirked walking past him and over to us with Issac by his side Issac laughed at Stiles' comment and kissed him which Stiles obviously returned. I genuinely don't know what's happening here. I mean Lydia has cheated on my before but this is all new.
"Get lost asshat or do you just love watching me and my adorably sexy boyfriend kiss?" Stiles smirked again and Scott just growled and walked away.

"So how about we all go back to the loft?" I asked and I got a bunch of nodds. I know school wasn't over but I didn't really care. "I'm riding with Stiles!" Issac, Erica, Liam, and Theo all say. Everyone really likes Stiles. We we all go to the cars we're going in and leave off to the loft

Scott's pov

They won't know what's gonna hit em. Secret attack coming up Hale pack watch your back. I want to know why everyone is always so protective over Stiles. They don't have a reason to. They don't need him. We've gotten so far without ever needing his help. We come up with plans and we fight. Stiles just sits at home and makes food every now and then. That shouldn't count for anything. He shouldn't even be in the pack. In anyone's pack. He doesn't deserve it.

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