Okay Ends And New Beginnings

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Derek's pov

I think that went well and pack night was a good idea. Everyone is in a relationship and happy and all, but Jackson used to like Stiles and Stiles used to like Jackson. So watching them cuddle was a lot even though they're just friends and Stiles says he likes me. I don't know it was still to much for me I don't know why but it was. I can't just take him away because he has the right to have friends. We aren't dating so I can't tell him.

I went back inside to see Stiles asleep on Jackson's chest and everyone with their significant other and I wish that I would've just cuddled with Stiles Instead of leaving. I was being stupid by walking out over being jealous when I would've done something. Someone knocked on the loft door so I went to go open it and when I did Danny was standing there "Hey come in Jackson's on the couch with Stiles." I said waiting for him to come in. I smiled at him but he didn't look too happy.

"Did you say that Stiles and Jackson are on the couch?" Danny asked looking a little angry. I just nodded and watched him walking so I closed the door. I was expecting for Danny to wake them up calmly but that didn't happen. "Jackson get your ass up now!!" Danny yelled and as soon as he did Jackson opened his eyes and so did Stiles "Hey Danny wanna join the pack night?" Jackson asked calmly, he didn't look at all bothered. It was probably because he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"No I fucking don't why the hell are you cuddling with Stiles when you used to have a crush on him?" Danny looked really angry and Jackson just looked confused. "Because he's a friend and I already have a boyfriend so I'm not doing anything wrong also he likes Derek so again I'm not doing anything wrong." Jackson was still really calm and he was right so I guess I also shouldn't have been bothered by it. He was handling the situation very well. I remember how angry he used to get.

"Whatever okay, I'm leaving." Danny was clearly still mad for no reason. "Fine leave Danny, I'm tired you're always getting mad at me for no reason or I'm always doing something wrong. Whether it's talking to a friend or giving you the wrong thing. It's always my fault and I know you're cheating on me so we're done Danny have a good life with the guy you're screwing." Jackson looked upset he reeked of sadness but I mean he was blamed for everything. It made me feel sad because Jackson kinda has a problem with not feeling good enough and feeling like he needs to be better for other people.

He's always trying to change himself to make him better for other people.
"Danny I think I speak for all of us when I say this. What you did to Jackson was the worst thing you could do to an already broken person (No offense Jackson) Danny you were his best friend he trusted you with his life and you do this to him just get out and don't talk to any of us again!" Stiles yelled I could tell he was angry and I mean he was completely right. Danny was extremely Toxic and had no reason to be mad at Jackson.

I watched as Danny left and as Stiles comforted Jackson telling him he was perfect to us so I walked back over to sit down on a couch when I see Scott and Isaac making out on my couch. "Hey.HEY!! get a room god get off my couch and the rest of you stop watching damn." I had to yell to get their attention and I don't know why people were watching but I don't really want to know.
"Hey Der?" I heard Stiles ask and I turned around to look at him.

"Yeah?" I asked back and he just waited
"When we start dating promise you won't treat me that way." He got really quiet. I was so happy he said that. Now I know he likes me for sure. "Stiles I promise that when we start dating I will never hurt you on purpose ." I said and watched him nod. He's so perfect.

A Week Later

Scott's pov

Everything is going great we're the biggest pack in Beacon Hills. Derek got the Hale house fixed up and now it's the pack house. Where we spend a lot of time Theo lived here and he shares a room with Liam..well every couple shares a room so we have tons of extra rooms. Derek and Stiles of course got Derek's original room but now it's the biggest room and they're our Alpha's. Right now we're all training and I'm watching my beautiful shirtless boyfriend train with Jackson. Who by the way still hasn't gotten a partner but no one is bothered by it. He's almost 18 which means he'll be super rich but he lives with Derek.

Stiles is now the best hunter that ever lived, they call him Le Meurtrier which French for the slayer. Whenever there's a bad supernatural Stiles never misses or he almost never gets hurt.

I love watching how the pack gets along and trains together and I'm so very happy that I can call Isaac my Mate, yes Mate. everyone in the Hale house has a Mate just not Jackson but he's not bothered by it.


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