School and love is in the air

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Stiles pov

I woke up to an annoying noise that was the stupid alarm clock. Damn those things. I opened my eyes turned it off and started shacking Issac lightly. "Issac sleepy babe wake up." He groaned and opened his eyes I smiled and he stood up.
I walked up the stairs and walked over to Liam and Theos room. "Hey you guys wake up Im coming in!" I yelled at them for a warning I walked in and saw Liam and Theo cuddling in bed and Ethan rolled up in sheets on the floor.

I laughed and ran into the bed and jumped on them. "WAKE UP!! SCHOOL !!!" I yelled super loud and soon was thrown off and into Ethan. "Hey Ethan sorry about that but you kinda need to get up." I laughed a little and got up now standing with all of them. I walked out the room and over to Boyd and Ericas room. "IM CONING IN!" I yell and walk in. As soon as I did Derek was already awake with the rest of them.
"Oh hey you're already awake one of you wake up Jax." I said and left. I went downstairs and poured cereal into a lot of bowls. As I did that I heard a lot of footsteps come from the stairs and the door bell ring.

I walked over and opened the door .
"We want breakfast too." Cory and Mason said at the same time. I let them in and we all had a quick breakfast before piling in cars and going to school. I was riding in my Jeep with Issac, Liam, Theo, and Malia "Stiles?" Liam asked "Yeah buddy" I said and he looked a little nervous
"Me and Theo are together." He said looking away. "HAHA I KNEW IT TOLD YOU ISSAC!" I yelled and everyone started laughing. That was the best news I've gotten in a while.

Once we got to school we got out and spotted Jackson with Cory, Mason, Erica, And Boyd. "Hey guys." We all said as we walked over to them. "McCall pack keeps looking at us." Jackson said and I shrugged. "Let them look if they want to talk they'll talk they're good at doing that." I said and they all laughed "Got something you wanna say to my face Stilinski?." I turned around to see the one and only Scott McCall. I sighed it's to earlier to deal with this shit. "You talk to much." I said smiling, it wasn't something he didn't know.

"Scott can we talk?" Issac looked at Scott and Scott nodded. They walked away and I sent someone to look after him.

Issac's pov

"Issac, I'm sorry I know I did it first so I shouldn't be mad at you." Scott looked at me and I smiled. That's all I wanted to hear, "It's okay really, you're just confused I guess." I said hoping he wouldn't get offended. He's been really moody, "Wh-Um can we do it again?" Scott asked me looking curious. I nodded and he leaned in a little to quickly and connected our lips. I kissed Scott back with a lot of emotions some that I didn't even know I had.

We let go for a breath and he looked at me. "Secret?" He asked and I nodded "Secret" after I said that he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. We just hugged for what seemed like a long time until we heard the bell ring . We parted ways and ran to class. Once I got in the class room I sat next to my pack and waited. "Issac what the hell happened your hairs a mess and your lips are swollen." Stiles looked at me curiously. I looked down at my hands. He probably knew. Stiles was smart there's no way he didn't figure it out. We may be doing this for pretend but it felt real and I know Stiles doesn't deserve to be cheated on and it's killing me.

Liam's pov

I'm sitting next to Theo and he's writing down notes. I should be too but I can't help but to just stare at him. His skin is so soft, so clear and his hair is so perfect. His lips, oh his lips are a nice pink and I can't imagine how wonderful they'd look on mine wow that'd be a great sight to see. He's truly perfect in every single way possible and I don't think anyone could deny it.

Theo's pov

I'm writing notes and I can feel Liam looking at me and it makes me nervous. He can always make me nervous and I don't know why. My brain keeps saying mate and mine, but I don't even know what the hell that is I just know Liam is perfect. I think he was truly made for me and I thank his creators. Because Liam is the most perfect person on this planet.

Scott's pov

Issac is all I wanted. If I would've had him then this situation would've never happened but it's all Stiles' fault. I can't believe he did that to me, he knew I liked Issac I mean everyone knew...didn't they? I tried making it obvious. I'm pretty sure I was always staring at him. We would always hang out.

Derek's pov

Seeing Stiles is amazing. I missed him so much, those beautiful eyes and perfectly pink plump lips. Those moles all gorgeous. It seems like someone had painted the constellations across his body and his hair and the way he talks he's an angel I couldn't of asked for a better mate.

Stiles pov

I don't want to do this anymore. Why can't Scott just say it's over and get on Issac? So that I can maybe have a shot with Derek? Ugh Scott stop being stupid!
It's getting annoying, actually it was always annoying. I just want a happy pack that's all I've wanted..well and Derek.

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