Stissac and Scira

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Stiles pov

I'm so so happy that Derek fixed the loft before he left. If he didn't it would look so crappy. So he asked a witch if she could fix it and she did. On the outside it still looks gross but on the inside, upstairs there's a lot of rooms for almost everyone.
It's amazing although the pack doesn't really stay here. They don't usually stick around anymore. I think it's because we've lost the glue. Issac was still asleep holding onto me as if I'd leave.

Liam and Theo are still upstairs. I don't know what's going on with them and I know I'm only human but I sense something between those two. They act different around each other, weird. They always look at each other. "Stiles?" I looked down to see Issac opening his eyes. "Right here babe." I said looking at him, he buried his head in my chest. "You guys would be so cute together!" Liam squealed and Theo just laughed. I shook my head, idiots.

"He's not wrong though." Theo said smirking. "Oh and I bet it'd drive Scott crazy! Yeah, he actually told me well he told Liam that he dated Kira to get over Issac." Theo said looking at Liam. To say I was in shock is an understatement. Isaac has no reason to be jealous. Scott liked him back. "Theo you weren't supposed to say anything!" Liam yelled and Issac looked up at me. I could see a little bit of hope in his eyes. "So if me and Issac date what'll come out of it?" I asked because I could see Issac getting curious.

"We actually don't know but we could tell him that Issac is dating you to get over Scott ." Liam said while looking at Theo.
"They were telling the truth." Issac said and I nodded. They might have a point. If Scott knows Isaac likes him back they could finally date. "Then what?" I asked Liam looked at Theo. "Then afterwards we convince Scott to break up with Kira or you break up with Issac and they date." Theo said looking at Liam. This sounds like a bad idea. Like the kinds that usually come with the unnecessary amount of drama.

"That seem like a terrible idea ." I said and Issac nodded a little. I'm glad he agrees with m- "Can we try it though?" He asked I thought about it while looking at Liam and Theo. This still sounds like a very terrible idea. "You two will tell him right?" I asked and they nodded. I'm not sure if I trust them completely. They can be pretty stupid at times...all the time.
"I'll do it for you Izzy." I said and he got up smiling and hugged me. "Call a pack meeting I guess because we have to tell them." I said and Liam called Scott.
I got up to cook breakfast. "Sandwiches?" Issac asked I smiled and nodded. Anything to keep him happy.

(After cooking )

The pack got here. I was scared to see Scott's reaction. I didn't care about anyone else since they didn't like Isaac in a romantic way. "Who wants sandwiches?" I asked looking over at them "Me!" Liam , Theo , Lydia , Malia , Kira , Allison, Danny, Erica, Boyd, and Jackson said walking over to the kitchen.
(People who left or died are alive :) )
"Great." I said putting all the sandwiches in the middle of the table. I smiled at all of them but especially at Liam. I knew Liam eats a lot so I made a lot.

"So what's the news?" Lydia asked. Great here comes all the fun parts.
"Well Uhm you see Issac and I are erm dating. I didn't really want to announce it to the whole pack but it would've gotten obvious." I said looking around the table. I hope they didn't notice how scared I am.
"It's true we have a video of Issac tackling him in a hug this morning and a picture of them cuddling ." Theo said sounding pretty proud of himself. He was smiling and holding up his phone.

"And all this time I thought you were asleep." I said looking surprised. I was aware of the cuddling picture. I just had no clue about the whole hug one. "They always do that. They're best friends they even call each other babe sometimes." Kira said rolling her eyes. I could tell that some people at the table got annoyed with Kira. Jackson was definitely one of them,
"Oh my god do they have to kiss just to prove it to you?" Jackson asked getting mad. He rolled his eyes at her but she just shrugged.

It's not a big deal one time me and Issac got drunk and we made out. "Yes." Scott said sounding confident. Did he really think it was such a struggle? If it made Isaac happy I would kiss him a million times over. I looked to my right where Issac was and I smiled at him. I leaned in and kissed him. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and the kiss deepened.
I pulled away because I didn't want it to get super heated. I have to admit it was a little weird. I treated Isaac like my baby so it freaked me out a little bit I didn't let it show.

"Okay that's actually kinda cute ." Danny smiled at me. Issac blushed a little. I had a smile on my face. I did it and the look on Scott's face was worth it.
"What the hell!?" Scott yelled and I just shrugged I mean he was dating Kira. He didn't have a reason to me mad
"What?" I asked I'm so confused with his behavior. "That's it I already hate the way you run this pack!" He yelled crying, I'm not very confused because I'm not technically running the pack. I'm just caring for everyone in it. "Scott what's wrong?" I asked and he just ran out the door.

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