Confessions and cuddles

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Stiles pov

"Kira you're up." I said hoping she'd confess to Malia because they'd be the best couple ever, okay maybe not true and Derek but they'd be cute. It only made sense that they got together. They were always with each other but the could just be best friends.

Malia's pov

Oh god I hope no one can smell how nervous I fucking am. Like shit I want her to confess to me so fucking bad like damn
"Hey...Malia?" Oh god I looked up at Kira and gave her a small smile "Yeah?" I asked back because if I don't I could loose my chance forever. Please be me...
"Ahh haha Uhm well you should date me I mean like I really like you and gosh yeah I think I'll just shut up now." She was looking at the ground. She was always so shy and I loved it.

"Ok-." Oh. My. God. Stiles shut the hell up! "Okay, Stiles shut up. I know its my turn Kira I'd love to be your girlfriend" everyone looked shocked. This was it that's I wanted to hear. "Well nephew I didn't expect that did you?" Ah shit Peter i rolled my eyes of course he shows up.
"Actually Peter I did." Derek just looked at Peter. Derek has been around me more than Peter has. "Okay Erica and Boyd we don't need you to confess soo Lydia would you?" I heard Stiles ask oh god. he's gonna have a break down when Lydia says she doesn't like him. He's been in love with her for forever.

"I'm actually dating Jordan but yeah. I guess this is me telling you guys also before that I might of had a small crush on satin in a v-neck over there." Lydia looked at Peter then rolled her eyes. Ew what the hell Lydia had a crush on Peter. She moved on for the better. I smelled happiness roll off of Stiles, "Jackson go." Stiles looked at him.

Jackson's pov

"Okay well first confession I'm gay also I've always liked Stiles but now I'm dating Danny soo yeah sorry about bullying you Stiles I was scared uh yeah you know what This apology is for a different time." I finished looking at the floor. It was silent for to long but I heard footsteps. I was then hugged by Stiles, okay maybe my crush on him isn't entirely gone but if this is all I get then I'll take it. "I liked you too buddy." Stiles whispered in my ear so that only I could hear it.
"Thanks like I said I'll apologize later I promise." I whispered back squeezing him a little harder. "Okay it's my turn." Stiles said.

Stiles pov

"So for a very long time I've liked Jackson and yes I'm gay Scott and Issac already knew that I mean all of you should've known that but Uhm I have a big ass crush on this one guy with green eyes he's also a huge sour wolf so uhm yeah Derek your turn." I was sitting next to Jackson now or more like I was sitting on Jackson but I'm nervous like really nervous. I'm so nervous, I think I could throw up kinda nervous.

"Alright so I've never had a crush on any of you idiots except for this really adorable idiot who's kinda smart but has a huge annoying sarcastic mouth..." he finished and when I looked up he was staring at me so I jumped off Jackson right away and jumped on Derek
"Haha you like me!!" I yelled really loud. I'm happy, so happy. "Are we forgetting right? yeah I think no so can this pack finally become one again and can all of you stay here??? Like forever." I asked looking at everyone and getting off Derek

"Yeah also we forgot Peter." Jackson said looking at me "I mean I don't think Peter has a confession." I said looking at Peter he just shrugged "OKAY SO PACK NIGHT!!" I yelled and we all got in pairs with blankets but Derek left somewhere so I cuddled up with Jackson as friends because he has a boyfriend! "So which movie are we gonna watch Scotty?" I asked and I watched as him and Issac talked about it and laughed for a little

"Oh magic mike" Scott said with that smile that means everyone is going to end up in a room gosh not me and not Jackson or Lydia "Put it in then because you said so." I said waiting as he put it in me and Jackson ran to the couch they were just on because we were on the floor
"Hey that's not fair!!" Isaac whined but stopped when Scott dragged him to the floor. So fucking cute, "Jackson I want a relationship like that they're so fucking cute." I said laying my head on his chest

"You'll get it I promise." He answered "Can I fall asleep on your chest?" I asked because I know it's gonna happen I heard a small 'yeah' so I closed my eyes.

Issac's pov

"Hey Scott?" I asked a little scared "Yeah baby?" He asked waiting for me to answer. "Jackson and Stiles would look cute together but they're just friends and Derek's gone right now, what if stiles and Derek don't happen because he's gone right now?" I asked a little scared so I hugged him tighter, "I don't know Izzy but we just have to hope it doesn't happen ,okay?" Scott waited for an answer so I said "okay" I'm just happy I can finally be with Scott thank you, Stiles thank you.

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