Slaps and kisses

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Stiles pov

"This was a terrible idea Theo!" Issac was yelling at Theo mostly but sometimes he would yell at Liam. To be completely honest I saw this coming. I mean I didn't stop it from happening. "How was that a terrible idea?!" Liam yelled, he looked upset. Not mad but like someone had just kicked his puppy. "It was terrible idea because we needed Scott to admit his feelings not for him to hate the both of us!" I said pointing to me and Issac. This whole thing is a shit show. There's only one thing to do now.

"I'm calling Derek, if you guys leave let me know where you're going.'' I said grabbing Issac's hand. I intertwined our fingers together as we walked to the table. Okay, let's pray this works. I pulled out my phone and called Derek. I dialed Derek's phone number and waited. Please pick up, please pick up, please pic- "Hey Stiles." Derek actually sounded happy Brayden is doing a good job. Too bad I'm not doing so hot over here. He'd hate what's happening.

"Hi Sour Wolf, you seem happy Brayden must be doing a good job." I said, wow I just had to say that. Why couldn't I just keep that to my self. I sound jealous which was not my intention. Issac squeezed my hand and I took a deep breath. Focus, "Actually she left me, so now we're just work buddies until I can come back.'' He didn't sound too upset but it might just be his way of handling it.

"What no way I don't believe you!" I was so surprised, who the hell would leave Derek? It sounds unbelievable. I heard a sigh from the other end of the phone, "Why would I lie to you?" He asked me sounding a little sad. Come on the answer to this question is extremely obvious. "Because you're the all mighty Alpha, Derek Tyler Hale." I said laughing a little I know he hates his middle name.

"Stiles don't ever say my middle name again or I'll-." I had to cut him off. It's his famous line. It's been said to me like a thousand times. "Yeah, yeah I know you'll rip my throat out, with your teeth. Why'd you sound happy when you answered anyway?" I asked sighing a little, he didn't really have a reason to be happy. Brayden just broke up with him...Oh! Maybe he found what he was looking for. 

"Because, what if I missed you ?" I was in shock. I didn't think that was possible. I was extremely happy, Issac squeezed my hand letting me know he's still here with me. "That's possible?" I asked because I still couldn't believe it. That man shoved me against walls all the time. He always yelled at me and told me to shut up. There's no way in hell. "Yes." hmmm, lie.

"Hey Derek, it's Issac.'' Issac said smiling, I haven't seen him smile like this since before Derek left. "Hey Issac what's up?" Derek asked holding up the conversation. I think maybe Derek just misses the pack. "Scott doesn't really like me and Stiles anymore." Issac stated, waiting for an answer. I physically cringed, great now Derek has to know we're dating.

"Why?" Derek actually sounded curious.  I sighed, here we go. "Because I like Scott but he started dating Kira. So Theo and Liam said it would make Scott jealous if me and Stiles started dating. So I pressured Stiles into dating me, so Scott would ask me out. It's not working because he might hate us now." Issac said starting to cry so I hugged him.

"Just talk to Scott or continue to date Stiles in the mean time, but you should know never to trust Liam and Theo's ideas because they're always bad.''Derek said growling a little bit. Understandable, I didn't want to listen to them. "Okay Bye Derek." Issac yelled walking out of the loft. He definitely went to go talk to Scott. I laughed a little, "Where did Issac go?" Derek asked, I was a bit confused on why he didn't hang up.

"Probably to talk to Scott." I sighed, that kid is probably just gonna get hurt even more. We continued to talk for a while about random things.

Issac's pov

I was running all the way to Scott's house, so that I didn't bother Stiles and Derek. I know Stiles likes Derek it's pretty obvious. I wouldn't be surprised if Derek knew. When I finally got to the door, I knocked and Melissa answered. She looked surprised but smiled at me any way. "Hello Issac, what are you doing here?" Melissa asked being as nice as usual. I got nervous, I didn't think I'd get this far. I thought about turning around a lot.

"I came to talk to Scott." I said, I watched she but let me in. "Up the stairs first room to the left." She said I just nodded. I continued walking up the stairs. To be completely honest, I didn't need her directions I could just follow his scent. I knocked on Scotts door, but I just got a grunt from the other side. I opened the door not knocking twice and when I did open the door I saw a shirtless Scott. "Issac, what are you doing here?" He asked looking at me a little weird. Probably because I couldn't stop staring.

"I came to ask you something." I said, waiting for him to tell me to go on. He just nodded his head so I continued "Do you hate me?" I asked i was waiting for his answer. I wanted for him to say no but it was his choice. I felt like my body was going to explode from the anxiety. "No, I don't hate you I could never hate you." Scott gave me this look that I've never seen before. I don't know what it is or what it means. I hope it's nothing bad.

Scott went to go sit on his bed and I followed. I didn't realize that he was crying until I sat down so I hugged him, "Scott what's wrong?" I asked but he just shook his head and looked up at me. I wanted to help him. I didn't like that he felt sad. We stayed like that for a while, when Scott started leaning in. I couldn't move it was like I was frozen in that spot. This can't be happening. I think I'm imagining it.

I didn't move until I realized that his lips were finally on mine. When they were I kissed back and it was like there was electricity running though my veins. It felt amazing and I really wanted more. Until he pushed me away and slapped me, "What the hell Issac!?" He yelled at me, I'm so confused. His damn mood swings are giving me whiplash. "What the fuck do you mean 'What the hell' you kissed me!" I yelled back at him, it honestly hurt that he slapped me and I wish he didn't.

His touch was electrifying but I guess he didn't feel it. "Just-." Scott started but I quickly cut him off "You know what? I'll just leave you alone and this wont be a problem." I said as quickly as I could so I didn't start crying. I ran out of his house and started crying. I ran all the way back to the loft and I saw Stiles was still on the phone with Derek but this time they were on FaceTime.

"Oh my god Issac what's wrong!!" Stiles yelled running over with the phone hugging me. I know he's always worried about me. I just couldn't find it in me to tell him not to. Maybe he should worry, "Scott kissed me." I said waiting on his response. He didn't look surprised, "Oh my, well that's what we wanted isn't it ?" He asked and I shook my head no. Always finish the story Isaac come on! I hate myself.

"He kissed me then pulled away to slap me and blame it on me." I said crying all over again. I hate him I really do. No, I just hate the way he treats me. "It's okay babe we'll get through this. Soon Scott will realize he did it because he likes you, so that way you can finally have your man.'' he said smiling at me. I heard a growl from Derek when Stiles called me babe. Which made me think maybe we'll both have our man!

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