The plan

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( I dunno if I said it or not but Erica and Boyd are alive in this )

Stiles pov

It's been a few hours everyone is here...well everyone in the Hale pack.
"So what's the plan exactly?" Jackson asks looking at me. "Well." Is all I could say. I looked at Derek and he looked at me expectantly. I know I always have a plan but this time I didn't really have anything.
"Okay well we all go back to school Jackson and all of us are really nice to each other but rude to the McCall pack uhm Scott thinks I'm alpha of this pack so..Derek?" I said questioning the last part there's no way Derek would let me be alpha , right? The plan of mine sounded really unstable but we don't really have a choice.

"Well technically I'm no longer an alpha so alpha Stiles it is!" Derek yells looking at everyone they all nodded. He looked a little happy but I was hoping he'd take his spot back. I don't like being an alpha and it's impossible I'm human. "Well school starts up again tomorrow, who doesn't have a place to stay at?" I asked looking at them and they all raise their hands.
"Well me and Issac have been sleeping on Derek's bed over there and Liam and Theo sleep upstairs so-." Right when I was about to finish Theo and Liam come storming in Liam's crying and Theo is carrying him. Oh my god. What did Scott do this time?

"What's wrong with Li?" I asked Theo waiting for him to answer but he didn't.
I grabbed Liam from Theo and took him onto Derek's bed. I hugged Liam until slowly he stopped crying. "Li What happened?" I asked calmly, "S-Scott kicked m-me out of h-his pack." He said a tear sliding down his face. His voice was really shaky. What the fuck is wrong with him? They're teenagers they couldn't have done anything wrong. They've only been there for like 5 hours.

"Join us and everything will be alright. Al we want here is your loyalty to us you know how it was before all this mess but a little better." I said hugging him a little tighter. "W-what's the catch?" He asked looking at me a little. The fact that he asked that question made me curious. What's going on in his head? "There's no catch. We just have a rule be rude to the McCall pack and nice to us this is our territory we were here first ." I said and he nodded.

"I can do that." He smiled a little and I smiled back at him. I'm happy he was able to smile. "Good you still have your room." I said still hugging him. I looked around and everyone nodded. "This is Erica, Boyd, Deucalion, Jackson,and Ethan." I said and he nodded at them. He already knew Mason, Cory, and Derek. So there was no need to introduce them.
"Everyone this is Liam and that handsome devil is Theo ." I said laughing a little at Theo's shocked face.
"You two sleep with hmm Ethan." I said and they nodded. I had to pair them up into rooms we really didn't have this many room. Our pack was never this big.

"Derek, Erica, and Boyd get the next room over." They nodded Derek looked a little confused. I didn't think there's was anything confusing about it. "Jackson you're with us." I said looking at him he chuckled a bit but nodded. "Stiles there's an extra room upstairs I'm surprised you didn't see it ." Derek looked at me and I looked at him in complete shock.

"Oh then you can sleep with Ethan in there." I said and he nodded.
"Mason and Corey sleep in the attic or more like next floor up. Since this is kind of an old building but whatever, Derek will show you the stairs and I don't know what to do with Deuc." I said and the nodded but they stopped to look at me.
"We have houses you know." They looked at me and I just laughed, "Yeah I guess I forgot."

They all left saying a small bye.
"Okay so Deuc you can sleep up there if you want, you too Jax ." I said smiling at him and they nodded and left up to where the rest of them were. Even though it wasn't that late I was so so so tired. Me and Issac laid down on the bed and cuddled. This is going to be one hell of a ride I thought to myself. My eyes started to shut and I fell asleep in Issac's arms.

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