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Word count: 3,067 (yikes)

You began heading back to the castle storming through the vast amount of strange-looking plants, aggressively smacking and hitting anything that got in your way or touched you.
Your now drenched hair had stuck to your face and neck adding on to the irritation you were feeling.

You were beyond pissed.


"Maybe you should go apologize?" Hunk nervously suggested. Keith immediately shot him a glare, "Me? She's the one overreacting!"

Lance rubbed his still throbbing nose while sighing at his clueless rival, "Oh Keith, if there's one thing you should know about women is that they always overrea-" "What lance is trying to say is" Pidge quickly interrupted "to take a moment and think about it, put yourself in her shoes. How would you have felt?" "That's not what I was going to sa-" Lance corrected which earned an eye roll from Pidge, "Just shut up".

Keith crossed his arms and groaned, "I am not apologizing. She should be thanking me not acting like an 8 year old". Hunk kept eyeing his friends unsure of what to do. He knew Keith wasn't the type to apologize and he knew you weren't the type to do so either.
He gently kicked one of the defeated Obariyon's body in disgust {yes, it's not a real Voltron character, it's from the game Persona. But for the sake of keeping this crappy story going, please cope with me}. He stood there in thought while his friends kept arguing about what had happened. "We got what we needed. Shouldn't we go back now? You know, before more Obariyon decide to show up".

They all looked at him and agreed. Lance was the first, aside from Hunk, to come right back to his usual self. He placed his hands on the back of his head and started his walk back to the castle, "Yeah let's go. There's a damsel that needs comfort. And I fortunately know someone who can give her all the comfort she needs" He stated, ending it with a cocky grin. Pidge just sighed while Keith silently glared daggers through his head.


"The nerve on that guy...why does he have to be so cute" You whispered angrily to yourself. You had reached the castle and were now heading to your room. "He's such a quiznaking mullet head, tick tack looking, Mr. 'I don't care I can do anything', insensitive little bi-" "Y/n" You heard someone call.

Stopping your venting session you turned to see who it was and non other than good 'ol Shiro was there. Ever since you had joined the paladins in their journey to defeat Zarkon, you had grown quite close to the robotic arm space dad. You had the up most respect towards him and were always left impressed at how he was capable of saying the exact right words to make everything feel better.

"We don't permit such language but because I'm concerned I'll let it slide. Now why and who are you so upset with?" He asked you, "And why are you soaking wet?"

You walked towards him dramatically making groans of pain and frustration. When you were about 2/3 feet infront of him you let your head fall on to his chest and your arms hang below you. "I'm traumatized" You whined. And Shiro did it again, without him even trying he was able to ease your mind and make you forget how mad you were.

He chuckled a bit from your movements and how one moment you could be SheHulk to a sad puppy seeking affection. Despite his shirt getting wet from your head resting on it, he didn't try to move you whatsoever. Shiro patted the top of your head with his right hand and rubbed your back gently with his left. "What happened?"

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