🥀Say It🥀

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Word count: 1,055

Challenge 2 - Guess the movie

I laughed so hard while making this, I'm so sorry. I'm crying. Someone kill me.

You stood across the room, arms hanging at your side, and both fists clenched as you crushed the soul of your bayard as you held it.

The atmosphere changed as soon as the person you had been waiting for entered the room, Keith Kogane.
You made direct eye contact for what felt like 5 seconds before you walked towards him only to brush your shoulder against him as you passed him and headed outside.

You knew Keith was following so you continued to walk deeper into the foreign planet's own personal forest. You hadn't stopped until you reached a clear opening in the vast of dense, foggy trees.

You let your bayard and helmet drop to the ground as you continued to walk until you stood at the center of the clearing. Your back towards Keith. You knew he was there by the sound of his footsteps.

"You're impossibly fast and strong" You started, your voice faltering in the slightest.

"You fight just like them, your eyes are purple" You stated. "And sometimes you speak like, you're from a different race. You rarely eat or drink anything. You never show your blade" your breathing kept getting unstable, causing you to pant ever so slightly.

"How long have you had it for?" You asked, feeling his presence close begind her.

"17 years" He informed, his voice low and a bit tired.

"How long have you known?" You asked again.

"A while" He responded back

You were taking short and quick breathes, "I know what you are"

"Say it, out loud. Say it" He repeated.

"Galra" You announced.

"Are you afraid?" He asked you.

You slowly turned around and looked him right in the eyes, "No". Keith looked shocked for a bit, but regained his composure. "Then ask me the most basic question. What do we do?" He urged you.

"You won't hurt me" You said.

He stared at her for a minute before aggressively grabbing your arm and pulling you with him. "Where are we going?" You asked, a bit frantic.

He continued to walk her deeper into the forest, "Up the mountain, away from the rest. You need to see what I look like when no one else is around"

They must've walked for about 30 or 40 minutes because you could see the Castle all the way from where you stood by a small window of branches, and boy were they high up.

He let go of your arm when he reached a semi-narrow area, which coincidentally had a perfect ray of sunshine hitting a rock. Keith walked over to it, slowly taking off his suit and shirt. Leaving his uper body completely exposed.
"This is why I don't show myself in public. People would clearly know I'm different"

You stared in anticipation.

His back was facing you but you saw as his skin started to turn purple. Two furry, pointy ears popped straight up out of his head. After the whole transformation was over he turned to face you. You gasped in shock when you saw his purple skin and piercing, golden eyes.

"This is what I am"

You couldn't help but admire his body. "It's like art" You commented, speaking to yourself than to him. He turned his gaze away from you, in disgust of your comment.

"You're beautiful" You murmured, still in a trance of his new features.

"Beautiful?" He stifled a laugh, "This is the skin of a killer, Y/n" He added as he turned away from you and stepped away from the sunlight and went behind a large boulder, revealing open space. "I'm a killer"

You tried catching up to him by quickly jumping over the large roots and branches, "I don't believe that"

He continued to walk farther, causing you to trip a few times by trying to stay close behind, "because you believe a lie" he told you. "Camouflage. I'm the universe's most dangerous predator" He looked at you. "Everything about me, invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. As if I would need any of that. As if you could outrun me!" He rose his voice.

"Well maybe not outrun you bu-" you tried defending yourself.

"As if you could fight me off!" He added.

"Hey, I'm your equal when it comes to comb-" You tried again.

"I am designed to kill" He finishes.

You gulped, "I don't care"

"They've wiped thousands of alien races" Keith reminded you.

"That wasn't you" You argued.

"I don't want to hurt you. I've never wanted human affection as much in my life" he told you as he got closer.

You shook her head in denial, "I trust you"

"Don't" He advised you. But you weren't having it. "I'm here. I trust you" you told him again as you leaned in closer to him. He quickly backed away. "I see you, your scent; it's like a drug to me. You're like my own personal brand of heroin"

You got up close to him again, thank full that he hadn't backed away this time. "Then why did you hate me so much when we met?" You asked as you recalled all those times he'd be rude to you and just plain out ignore you.

"I did. Only from wanting you so badly, I still don't know if I can control myself"

You leaned in as Keith backed up, "I know you can" "You're not easy to read. You have to tell me what you're thinking" he said as he placed his hands next to your head on the boulder behind, trapping you. Faces inches apart.

"Now I'm afraid" you told him. He dropped his arms and backed away, "Good"

"I'm not afraid of you" You reassured him. He shook his head, you kept going. "I'm only afraid of losing you. I feel like you're going to disappear"

"You don't know how long I've waited for you" Keith held his hand to your heart.

"So the lion fell in love with the lamb" He said.

"What a stupid lamb" You responded.

"What a sick, masochistic lion" He smiled a bit.

You stared at his beautiful, golden eyes and returned the smile.

I changed perspective so I apologize if anything is wrong

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