🥀Form of Art🥀 lemon

4.1K 49 72

Word Count: 12,189 OOOFFFF

AU: Exotic Dancers, it actually features the dancing for like one brief scene though so just an fyi

I heard the song "Feel It" by Jaquees(<?) Like 2 days ago and decided to make this.

🛑 Warning: language and
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋there's a lot of teasing involved, might get annoying but I was too lazy to edit anything because 12k words 🛑


You ran through the long red and black halls holding on to your phone, your Louboutins creating loud thumping noises as they made contact with the red velvet floor. You groaned for the 66th time that night as you heard the voicemail recording.
"Move, move, move!" You yelled as you pushed through the crowd of people with your available shoulders.

"We begin again in 25 minutes! Ladies, Gents, pick up the pace!" You heard the gathering room intercom speak as you passed it.

"SHIII--" You yelled to no one in particular as you kicked off your heels and ran in your black pantyhose. You skidded to a stop as you finally arrived to the camera room and barged in. The 6 staff members who worked there immediately looked at the intruder in shock before realizing it was you.

"Hey! Don't you see the sign-Oh, Miss. L/n!" Roth, the lead director of the room addressed you. You had ignored her and looked at the immensely large television that portrayed different camera angles set throughout the entire perimeter.

Your eyes frantically looked at all the cameras, "Where's Keith?"

Roth nervously looked at the rest of the crew before turning back to you, "Well we haven't seen him in here and he hasn't appeared in the films either"

You gripped your phone and groaned, "That son of a-" You stopped yourself as you took a deep breath, followed by another, then another. You let out a deep sigh and clasped your hands together with your phone between them, "I apologize for the intrusion, you guys are doing a fantastic job, you are appreciated, I shall make my leave now". You began walking out as T.D called out to you

"If we do see him, we'll give you a call immediately"

You gave them a warm smile, "That would be gorgeous, thank you"

As you stepped out you, you walked back the beautiful hall and went to the gathering room. You had quite a few people greet you but you scanned the crowd for the face you were looking for. Once you did find it you quickly made your way to them. "Lance!"

The tall Cuban male turned to you and grinned, "Hey Y/n!"

You were significantly smaller than the male and the lack of your shoes made it even worse, the feeling of superiority leaving you grew but you disregarded the emotion. "Lance I need you to do tonight's headline"

You noticed as his once joyful expression turned to one of confusion and shock.

"Me? But Keith does Tuesday, I do Wedne-" He began

You rubbed your temples, "I know the schedule, trust me. But Keith isn't here; therefore, he can't do it"

"Why not ask Shiro!? I've never done Keith's routine before!" He nervously retorted.

"Because Shiro is Friday and he does vanilla! You can't have someone who does vanilla do Keith's act! It'll throw my regular customers off! Your show is the closest to Keith's" You tried to convince him.

(Voltron) Keith x Reader Where stories live. Discover now