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Word Count: 6,222

So, I finished watching the second season of the exorcist and this happened.

(Keep in mind that this was made before season 7's release - season got me QUIZNACKED UP- so I had to go back and change some stuff, but because I did that some scenes don't make entire sense. I also changed the timespan on a few things so yee)

*Edit -12/16/18- too many notes I know but I swear that I made this before season 7! Y'all I honestly believe the writers of Voltron somehow got a hold of this draft and used it!! It's too similar to be a coincidence!!! ASDGJLADJ oml ITS TOO SIMILAR*


Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and slowly returned to its normal position, continuing the more you fell in out of consciousness.

"You will break" Haggar looked down at you, her stare cold and heartless.

Gaining a bit of your stability back you let your head fall to your left shoulder to look up at the witch, "Fuck you"

Your eyelids tiredly closed but you fought to keep them opened and aware. Haggar walked to the front of the table you were strapped onto, stopping as she was stationed a few inches away from your head. She hovered her hands alongside your temples and continued her work, small purple lighting appearing bolts flowed out through her hands and into your brain.

Your eyes shut in pain and you let out a scream of agony, "Aaaargh!". You pulled on the clamps binding your wrists and ankles as your back arched, causing the metal clasps to draw blood in said areas. If the situation was different your body would have passed out by that point because of the pain, but Haggar had made it so you stayed awake throughout the entire thing. The sleep she deprived you from was replaced with nightmares that refused to let you close your eyes without envisioning what could've been and what might've happened.

After 15 minutes of Haggar's power surging through your brain, she stopped, leaving you with a severe headache.

You constantly questioned what she wanted with you, she didn't cause physical harm anywhere else other than your head, the cuts and bruises you had scattered throughout your body were results of your struggling and/or soldiers keeping you in check as Haggar continued her undefined routine. Your primary thought in your first week held captive was that they were going to do to you what they had done to Shiro, experiment and physically change a part of you. But as days passed and the more visits you payed the witch that quickly changed.

"Stabilize her then inject R3-0K and record the data. She must not sleep afterwards" Haggar addressed one of the three Galran soldiers who stood on your right behind floating translucent screens as she made her way towards the exit, where the other two soldiers stood stiff on either side. "Notify me if successful"

That was the routine everyday for 5 weeks, you'd be brought in this small room with this table located in the center where you would be strapped into, Haggar would then proceed to do whatever exactly she did for 15 minutes, ask the soldier to inject R3-0K then leave, only to do it all again the next day. You knew that what she was doing was new to her, something she hasn't done before. You also knew she wasn't getting the results she wanted, you just didn't know if that meant it was better or worse on your end.


You looked up at the guard who already had their index finger resting near your ear and saw the needle filled with black liquid in their other hand. With the previous times not ending well, you didn't resist their demand. You closed your eyes in advance as you opened your jaw, awaiting the sharp pain that was to come.
(this part may be a bit confusing, but test this out yourself so you know where I'm talking about. Near your ear there's this hard plate where your lower jaw connects to the upper jaw. But when you open your mouth your lower jaw goes foward/drops that reveals a small soft spot between the two, that's the spot I'm talking about) The guard tilted the needle slightly upward and punctured your skin near the other small dots where the previous injections were made. Your nails dug into your palms as you felt the needle sink in further. What you hated most was that the process took about 40 minutes to complete. The liquid wasn't to be injected all in one go, it was in segments, every 2 minutes a bit was released, then again in 2 minutes. And every time just a bit was let go your head would feel like it was on fire, as if it was about to explode.

(Voltron) Keith x Reader Where stories live. Discover now