
1.8K 58 11

Word Count: 936

∆Song Challenge applies to this chapter ∆

Edit: We've got a winner

There's 5 song lines in here. I tried to make it a bit difficult. I didn't want the lyrics to completely stand out so I hope the flow of the story and lyrics were a bit good.

The whole Galra infiltrating the castle or Pidge wanting to leave team Voltron doesn't happen here okay? It's just a normal, happy day with the paladins. Okay, Carry on.

"This will allow you to contact us anytime you need help. Arus will be the first planet in the Voltron Alliance" Allura announced, which caused the leader of the Arusians to holler a "Hurrah" and his people cheering after.

You clapped along the Arusians. You were glad to have another ally in this on going war, but most of all you were glad to finally have a break from all of it.

When Allura finished her speech you began looking around to find someone to talk to.

You spotted Lance, Keith, and Hunk so you began making your way over to them

"-kay. How about uh...'I say Vol', you say 'tron', 'Vol'"

As you made your way to them you could hear their conversation and by the sound of it, it seemed they were making a cheer of their own.

"Uh...Voltron?" Keith confusingly responded. You would've died laughing there and then if one of those floaty things carrying the drinks hadn't stopped you. You took a cup and proceeded towards the paladins.

"-instructions. 'I say Vol' you say..." Lance continued. Keith still looked lost as ever, "Voltron?". "We'll work on it" Lance said, giving up for now.

"Geez Keith, you're too cute sometimes" You called out as you slung your free arm around your boyfriend's shoulder. He turned towards you, "Wha-" he started to say something but was cut off by Lance stomping and looking as if he was holding back his vomit. Lance stepped towards Coran and asked him what the drink was. He responded with declaring that the drink was the "Nectar of the Gods" which Lance then declared it tasted like hot dog water and feet.

Seeing all this go down you let your arm fall of Keith and you turned to Hunk, "I dare you to drink this" You told the big man. He quickly took a few steps back, "Uh, I'll think I'll pass".  "Oh c'mon...fine. Keith, you do it" You said as you turned back to him.

"I'm not drinking that" he refused. "Some warrior you are. You can't even consume a simple drink. Whereas Lance actually dra-" "Give me it" Keith stole the cup from your hands. You smirked to yourself.

As he finished drinking it he clenched the cup and tried to hide how bad it really tasted. "See? It was nothing."
You held your chin on your hand, "Hm, sure sure. But not that impressive. Drink two more" You challenged him. He lightly sighed, his pride getting in the way of his logical thinking, he grabbed two more cups.


"Ugh, this is all your fault" He complained to you as supported himself with his hands on his knees.
"Maybe you just can't handle yourself"  You replied back.  "All that nunvill is getting to me, I can't make it to my room." Keith continued.
"What are you trying to say?" You questioned him.

He looked up at you, "I don't know where I'm going to sleep tonight". You knew what he wanted but you wanted to annoy him a bit first. "Well hotels are cheap and there's one down the street" Keith rolled his eyes, "Y/n your room is way closer and you almost always let me stay" he told you.

"Fiiine" You groaned as you aggressively took his arm and pulled him towards your room.

Once you got there you both entered and Keith went straight to the bathroom (do they have their own bathroom in their room? I don't remember. Pretend they do) and threw up.

"I really hope you enjoyed the show, because for me it just feels like a bad day" Keith started blaming you again.
"Ohmygod it wasn't my fault. Maybe we were just having too much fun"
"No, it was your fault"

You finished brushing your teeth and changing into your sleepwear so you got in bed and just waited for Keith to finish brushing his teeth. He took a bit longer since he wanted to completely get rid of the vomit waste. When he did finish he slipped into the bed next to you.

You placed your head on his chest, "Hey Keith?" You called out to him. "Yeah?". "Creepy as it may seem, do you know that I count your heartbeats before you sleep?"

You heard him chuckle lightly, "Pretty strange, why do you do that?" He asked you. "I don't know, it's soothing to me hearing how your heartbeats are slow when you've fallen asleep" You informed him. Keith grabbed your chin and made you look up at him. He started to move closer to your mouth but you immediately backed up.

"What are you doing" You asked him. "Um...kissing you?" He responded back, confused for the second time today.

"You just threw up, like hell you're kissing me" You told him as you turned your back towards him to fall asleep.

"I hate you"

"You love me and you know it"

"Just because I love you doesn't mean I have to like you"

"Whatever you say, vomit-man"

"I hate you"

(Voltron) Keith x Reader Where stories live. Discover now