I slipped through the crowd of girls to my locker and I quickly and quietly got what I needed.
I slung my school bag over my shoulder and slipped through another group of girls huddled around a notice board and I headed to my first class: Art.
I love art immensely and it was always a class I looked forward to. The teacher, Ms. Clark, was a small, timid woman, shy but good at what she does.
I went to the art room and as soon as I opened the door, the smell of paint filled my lungs. I inhaled the air and I headed towards my seat, taking out my art supplies and placing them neatly on the desk.
I was currently working on a drawing of a castle so I took that out and I continued to shade it in with my HB pencil.
I was content. I was happy.
But then, she, Melanie Martinez, walked in, shattering the peace in my mind.
(a/n :
hi <3
as you all know, i'm not a fan of melanie martinez's anymore after the allegations came out last year and i unpublished all my works involving melanie, with plans of replacing her character in them all.
but after rereading this fic, i'm come to the conclusion that i don't want to rewrite melanie out of this one. she's the only person who i feel suits the character the best. i originally thought lauren jauregui, but lauren's already in here. and then i thought camila cabello but she's too soft looking for the part, as is taylor swift. but melanie is intimidating looking (well, i think) and thats why i feel she's the best for the role.
i just want to stress that by keeping her in this fic doesn't automatically make me a melanie stan
i'm just very passionate about my writing and everything about every story has to be perfect to the last detail and if the character in my head isn't portrayed in the story,the whole thing unravels.
my mind is weird ik ik.
ANYWAY apologies for this long a/n lmao i just wanted to justify myself. i do hope you enjoy my story because it's honestly one of my favourites ever and i really hope you love it as much as i do <3
stay angry, send love,

haunting ❁ halsey
Fanficin which ashley frangipane is bullied by melanie martinez and has no idea why