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I woke up on Saturday morning feeling happy for once. It had been a long and eventful week but at least I got something good out of it.

Hayley and I planned to go on our date today. We decided to meet at the café first at one. It was 12:30 now and I was still trying to find something to wear.

Eventually, I settled on the tshirt from my last The 1975 concert and a pair of navy ripped jeans and ankle boots. I then shrugged on a jacket and left the house and headed to the café, where Hayley sat waiting.

"Hey" I said

She turned to me "Hi!"

We exchanged a hug and she slipped her hand into mine "I've an idea for our date"

"Do share" I told her

"We could go bowling and then, get some food?"

I pretended to think about it "Hm, how about we get some food, go bowling and then get food again?"

She laughed at me "Okay I like your plan more"

We went to McDonalds to get breakfast and then,we walked to the bowling alley nearby.

"I'm gonna kick your ass Frangipane!" she told me

"Not if I kick yours first Williams!"

She shrieked and giggled and I chased her around the alley. We got a few looks but I didn't care. I caught her and I kissed her on the cheek "I win!"

She giggled "You're cute Ashley, come on let's get our bowling shoes"

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