Chapter 21

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Remus' POV

     Remus woke up on December 19th feeling very excited for the upcoming party. He went to breakfast with Sirius, James, and Peter, who were all talking vehemently about later. They walked into the Great Hall, which was alive with the buzz of excitement. Even the Slytherin students were discussing the party animatedly.
     Remus slipped into a seat next to his girlfriend, (Y/N), giving her a quick kiss. Sirius pretended to wretch at the sight of this. All the friends saw this, prompting (Y/N) to mockingly say, "Oh, come on, Sirius. You know you want some." Sirius pretended to wretch harder. His friends laughed.
     After breakfast, Remus and the others walked back to the Common Room to make sure everything was perfect. They set up a table which housed plates, napkins, utensils, and cups. The food had not arrived from the kitchens.
     Near dinner, however, the house elves brought up heaping plates of food. They set the food on another table. Only (Y/N) noticed when James quietly directed the house elves to bring the Firewhiskey up later.
     After dinner, Lily and (Y/N) disappeared into their dormitory to get ready for the party. Around 7:00, Remus set off for a boring night full of Prefect duties. He could not have been dreading his duties more, because he knew he would miss much of the party.
     Remus walked into a loud Christmas party in the Gryffindor common room after completing his Prefect duties for that night. The common room smelled strongly of Firewhiskey, and was full of couples making out under mistletoe. Prongs never could keep a promise when it had to do with Firewhiskey, Remus thought to himself.
Remus spotted (Y/N) talking with some of her friends, all with drinks in hand. As he walked toward his girlfriend, it was clear to Remus that she had had a bit too much to drink.
(Y/N) was wearing a tight, red party dress. One of the straps on her dress had fallen off her shoulder and down onto her arm. Remus fixed her strap, re-placing it on her shoulder.

     She swayed slightly as she stood near him saying, "Remus, baby! There y'are! I been lookin' for yo'll nigh'!"     Her words slurred together, causing Remus to give her a concerned look

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She swayed slightly as she stood near him saying, "Remus, baby! There y'are! I been lookin' for yo'll nigh'!"
Her words slurred together, causing Remus to give her a concerned look. (Y/N) responded to the look by simply loudly saying, "Som'one ge' this boy a drink!" A chorus of drunken replies met Remus' ears. Someone placed a glass full of Firewhiskey in his hand. He set it down at a nearby table where it remained ignored.
Remus looked around, taking in the scene. He saw James with a drink in hand, talking to a clearly drunk Lily. Sirius was sloppily kissing a girl under the mistletoe. Peter, also clearly drunk, was talking to a fifth year girl, who looked amused by his flirting.
(Y/N) grabbed at Remus' face, pulling it toward hers. She started messily kissing his lips, but Remus only lightly kissed her back. She kissed him so heavily that he can taste the Firewhiskey on her. He suspected she would not be able to remember any of this in the morning.
When he pulled away from the kiss, she slyly said, "What're you doin'? Ohh, I know. You wanna take this upstairs." She winked at Remus, who was concerned but also slightly amused by his drunk girlfriend.
Remus decided to get her away from the Firewhiskey, sarcastically replying, "Yeah, sure, (Y/N). Let's go upstairs."
She sloppily winked once more, not recognizing the sarcasm due to her drunken state, pulling Remus' hand with her as she walked toward his dormitory. (Y/N) swayed and almost fell as she began to walk up the stairs. She giggled as Remus catches her. "Whoopsie," she said, smiling a carefree smile.
Remus laughed to himself, shaking his head as he carried her upstairs bridal style.
When he finally reached his dormitory, (Y/N) was fast asleep in his arms. He sighed, looking down at her angelic, sleeping face Remus gently set (Y/N) down on top of his blanketed bed, where she continued to sleep softly. Remus got out one of his jumpers and pulled it over her head, covering her party dress. After a softly kiss on her forehead, he sighed and went to get ready for bed.

                          Your POV

       You sat up in bed, head pounding. You raised a hand to your temple, wincing. Looking around at your setting simply confused you. You recognized where you were: the boys' dormitory. How'd I get here? you wondered to yourself.
    As you looked around the room, you saw James passed out on his bed, not even under the covers. A girl's pink lipstick covered a large area of his sleeping face. Peter snored softly, his head at the foot of his bed and vice versa. Sirius was no where to be seen. Your boyfriend, Remus, was sleeping on the floor, a pillow tucked behind his head.
     You questioned what you did last night, for the night was blur of random memories. You realized you had one of Remus' jumpers on. Underneath that was your red party dress.
      Head still pounding, you slipped out of bed, placed a blanket you had been using over Remus' sleeping form, and slipped out the door. You walked down the stairs, eyes opening wide when you saw the common room. The party must have gone until the early morning hours, for the house elves had not yet come to clean up the mess.
     Firewhiskey was all that you could smell, bottles of it lying everywhere on the floor. Students were passed out in different chairs and couches, some even on the floor. You fought the urge to laugh as you see Sirius, lying face-down on the floor. His shirt lay a few feet from him, and his Gryffindor tie was wrapped around his head. Like James, he too had a girl's lipstick all over his face. However, the lipstick on Sirius' face is red.
     You took in the scene, wishing you could recall how you arrived in the boys' dormitory and hoping you made good choices.
      "Some party, eh?" You turned around and saw Remus standing on the stairs, his lips in a lopsided smile. He was already dressed for the day.
    "I don't remember much, to be honest," you said bashfully. "But, Merlin's Beard, my head hurts." You placed a hand gently on your throbbing head, wincing. He continued down the stairs toward you.
    "I distinctly remember you saying 'Som'one ge' this boy a drink!' last night, referring to me," Remus said, perfectly impersonating your drunk voice. "I didn't take the drink, though." You blushed, still not remembering much of what happened yesterday night. Remus placed his arm around your waist.
      "How'd I get upstairs in your dormitory? We didn't... you anything, right?" you asked nervously, face turning more red.
    "No, don't worry," he said with a laugh. "I wasn't drunk. You were, though, very drunk. I had to carry you upstairs away from the Firewhiskey, but by the time we were upstairs, you were sound asleep."
    You breathed a small sigh of relief. You had not thought that anything had happened, but you wanted to make sure.
     "Should we go get something to eat? It should be about breakfast time now. Although I don't think many others will be there." Remus chuckled lightly.
     You replied, "Sure, let me just get dressed. I'll be down in five."
     "Okay, I'll be waiting," Remus replied.
You returned five minutes later, Remus waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. You still had Remus' jumper on. He raised his eyebrows at you questioningly and you responded, "What? It's comfy," shrugging. You had taken off your makeup from the previous night, deciding to go bare-faced today.
     Remus grabbed your hand as you walk to breakfast. When you arrived in the Great Hall, there are barely any other students there. You and Remus shared the Gryffindor table with only a few younger students who were not hungover.
     "How come you slept on the floor?" you asked Remus. "There was plenty of room."
He laughed, "There wasn't any room yesterday. I came back from getting my pajamas on and you were hogging the whole bed! So, I took the floor."
You cringed and then laughed, saying, "Sorry 'bout that."
He smiled and gave you a hug. You started to eat.
Hey! Comment any suggestions and how you like the story so far, please! I'd love to know what you think!

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