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      I'm not sure how much longer I can take the screams. They get worse every night. Repeating on and on. Screaming to make them go away.

It 5:30 a.m. I haven't been able to sleep I woke up at 2. And I've just been lying here sense then. Being in a room right next to him doesn't help either. Vinny is taking us to Fredbears again. What a JERK. He doesn't care what we think nor how we feel about it. He only goes there because it's the only place he's allowed to meet up with his friends. He's friends are jerks too. He and his friends got those masks to scare billy more. From Fredbears and friends. I hope the boy that wears the Chica one knows it's a girl. 

I chuckle quietly to myself jumping slightly when my alarm goes off. It's 6 a.m. billy's screams calm down. I get up and make my way over to his door hesitating at the door.

"( y / n ) ? " a shaking voice says from inside the room. I step in quietly he is sitting there on the floor on ground of his bed. Holding his plush sobbing.

"Billy?" I whisper. His head turns over to me his eyes filled with fear. He calmed down when he saw it was me. He was visibly shaking and his breathing was heavy. But I could tell he was trying to calm down.

" I c a n ' t  d o  i t  a g a i n. T h e y 
w o n ' t  s t o p." He says between sobs. I sat down next to him and have him a side hug.

"Its o.k you're safe. It's only a dream. A delusion. It's not real. "
"But it feels so real"
"Your mind is tricking you."
"They can't get you. You are safe billy."
" t h a n k  y o u. "

   Not much happened today. Not even at Fredbears.  Billy stayed with me the whole time we laughed and played and avoided the animatronics together.  He still was scared but not as much I finally got my brother back.  But as the nights and day go on i have this feeling that something bad is going to happen on his birthday.

   I try to disregard the thought and focus on the game. I pulled another block out as the tower wobbled but it didn't fall over I place it on top victorious. I smiled over to Vincent sense it was his turn. He swatted at my face and I giggled at his anger. He pushed out a block and the tower....

Came down and hit him straight in the face. He shoved the blocks and they went fling everywhere.

"THIS GAME IS RIGGED!" he yells storming off. He's lost 4 times in a row. It's quiet hilarious. Also sad because he has such small self-esteem. It might be why he bullies billy and hangs around those 'friends' of his. I wish he had people with a better influence on him.

"Its getting kinda late. I'm gonna go to bed now." I say yawning. Billy looks a little scared but he shock it off and smiled.

"Night  (y/n)."
"Night billy"

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