Chapter Three

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3 - The Manager

       "So what you're saying is that the guy I slept with..Jack, is some kind of rockstar." Kaitlyn repeated slowly, making sure she didn't miss anything.

Charles, who she later found out was Jack's manager nodded. Word had got out that Jack had a new love interest being..her, and now they had a problem because their little incident had caused a lot of gossip. Now Charles was here to 'fix' things or so he had called it.

Kaitlyn rubbed her temples, the hangover from that morning making its way back around. She glanced over at the man beside her, his blonde hair swept messily across his forehead, falling over his mossy green eyes. He pushed the golden locks back and met her gaze. Her heart began to thump loudly against her ribcage as memories of the previous night began to flood her brain.

She so didn't need this right now.

She turned back to the older man known as Charles. He looked to be in his mid forties with dark brown hair, holding only a few patches of grey. Overall he was still in good shape and was quite handsome.

She sat up straighter in her seat. "So what does this have to do with me? If he just leaves won't everyone grow bored and just leave me alone?"

Charles frowned. "Afraid not. Jack is the member of one of the hottest rock bands around, The Passengers. If he decides to eat white instead of wheat bread at a restaurant it's all over the news in a matter of seconds. Just imagine how dangerous things could get for you now that you've been romantically linked to him."

"Dangerous?" She commented unsurely.

"Yes. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. It mostly comes from obsessed fans who think they have a shot with their favorite rockstar and usually when the fans find out that the rockstar is dating someone new, they get a little jealous and tend to hurt that rockstars significant other. It happens all the time in this industry."

Kaitlyn could feel Jack's gaze from the other side of the room, but chose to ignore him. "But Jack and I aren't dating..I hardly know the guy!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"I know that and you know that, but they," he motioned to the crowd of people still outside her apartment, "don't know that."

Kaitlyn sighed in defeat. "This is all your fault." She muttered under her breath and Jack recoiled at her comment.

"My fault?" He stated in disbelief, not believing the audacity of the young woman before him. "I'm not the one who intentionally went to a club dressed in a nightie hoping to get laid."

Kaitlyn's face turned a shade darker. She was embarrassed. Sure it was true, but he had no right to talk about her like that. As if, as if she was some type of floozy!

Charles must have noticed how fast their argument was escalating because he pulled Jack off to the side and whispered something to him before stepping back outside and locking the door. Jack walked back into the living room, his body tense.

"Look," he said sternly, his green eyes blazing with anger as he looked down at the small woman before him. The dark skin that covered her body made him want to reach out and lose himself completely in her beauty and those dark chocolate eyes weren't helping. He gave a frustrated groan when she stared up at him with an innocence only she would have.

"I don't like this anymore than you do, but for the time being you're going to have to stay with me, just until the chaos dies down."

She crossed her perfectly toned arms across her small chest and frowned. "This isn't my fault," she huffed, "You lied to me. I - I didn't know you were famous!" Her angry voice should've annoyed him, but he only wanted to hear more of the lovely sound.

He picked up his phone and called Gerald his old pal before ending the call. The beautiful woman was still watching him with distaste. He inwardly groaned.

"Look, I'm sorry..again," he gritted out, "But the only thing that I can do to keep you safe is bringing you along with me on tour. It's the only option."

Her round face dropped. "But-" she began and he held a hand up.

"No buts, you have to come."

She sank back into the leather chair behind her, her face contorting in anger before she spat. "Fine, but don't think for a second that I'll ever sleep with you again!" She yelled angrily.

He started to reply but decided against it. He was too tired to fight. "Bus leaves at seven." He said simply before leaving the room.

Kaitlyn slouched down against the leather cushion, trying hard to figure out how her simple one night stand had instantly shifted from a beautiful dream to a horrible nightmare.

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