New Chapter

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(NC) - The Sorry

"You've been acting weird ever since last night," Jack stated as he pushed around the left over slice of pizza still sitting against his plate. He watched Kaitlyn from the corner of his eye as they sat at the now empty table, watching as Dane, Lee, and Thomas walked over to the gift shop part of the restaurant. He finally sat his pizza down, turning in her direction, his chin propped up on his hand as he looked over at her, "Did something happen last night while I was asleep?" He questioned, his dark green eyes waiting expectantly for an answer to his question. Kaitlyn dropped her fork, giving him a small shrug as she avoided his eyes.

"No, nothing happened," she replied, rubbing the side of her arm, "I'm just a little tired from last night," she lied, "I don't usually stay up that late."

Although, truth was, she was tired, but not because she had stayed up to twelve in the morning watching the movie, but because after she had laid down in bed that morning, she couldn't help but toss and turn throughout the entire night, that sick feeling in her stomach keeping her awake as she wrestled with the annoying thoughts that popped up every time she tried to close her eyes.

Jack nodded; although, not fully convinced by her answer, but he wouldn't pressure it out of her. If she said she was tired from staying up so late last night, then who was he to say otherwise? "That makes sense, I was just worried. You seem..quieter than usual. Just wanted to make sure none of the guys had said anything to you to make you upset while I was sleeping last night."

Kaitlyn immediately shook her head. "No, of course not, they have all been nothing but nice since I've been here. I haven't had a problem with anyone." She rushed out, "I'm just really tired, so sorry if I've seemed a little off to myself today."

Jack frowned slightly as he studied her, the way she talked fast whenever she was nervous, and the way she tried to brush things off as if they were nothing. He knew there was more too it, but he didn't know how to go about asking about it without her getting upset. He knew she was usually quiet, and only talked here and there, but today was different. She was a little standoff - ish, and distant. It just looked as if she was her own mind, trying to fight an internal war that she was losing, and she didn't even realize it. He silenced his thoughts, pushing them away. He had always been good at reading people, but maybe he was just looking too much into Kaitlyn's behavior. She's just tired, his mind chided, and he forced himself to agree with it, even though another voice was shouting that something was wrong.

"Well, I know something that'll help wake you up for sure," he concluded, pushing himself up from his seat, and then holding his hand out. Kaitlyn watched his large hand worriedly as she looked from it to his face.

"And what exactly did you have in mind?" She asked, not really showing any emotion, except for the worry that was clearly present upon her face.

Jack smiled. "You have to get up to find out," He said, waiting for her to take his hand. About three seconds later, her small hand finally found his and he helped her up from her seat, leading her in the opposite direction of the gift shop.

Kaitlyn followed behind him, his hand holding hers in a firm grip. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she glanced down at their connected hands, and then to the back of his head. "What about Dane, Lee, and Thomas, don't we have to tell them that we're leaving?" She reminded him, nervousness etched all throughout her voice.

He grinned. "They'll be alright, plus, we won't be gone that long, so stop worrying so much." He said turning to her briefly as they stepped outside of the restaurant and waited for a taxi. "Just relax, and don't think too much about everything."

Her brown eyes found his. "It's kind of hard not too when I have no idea where we're going, and you're just over there grinning creepily at me." She finished. She couldn't help but smile a little when she saw his grin get even wider.

"See, someone's already turning back into their old self," He said, pinching her side lightly, before adding, "How do you feel about wishing wells?"

It's going to be another (NC) - New Chapter Right after this, so since it jumps to Chapter 13, it'll be a little confusing until I publish the new chapter.

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