New Chapter

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(NC) - Not Edited - This was kind of just a filler I had written a LONG time ago. Wasn't sure if I wanted to add it or not, but guess I'm doing it. 🤣 Hey, guys. How have y'all been?  And the song at the top is called 'Masterpiece' by Tori Kelly. It's amazing. 😊

When Kaitlyn and jack had finished up at the wishing well, they headed back to the restaurant to meet the guys. As they approached the front of the building, they could see Lee and Thomas sitting on one of the benches out front of the restaurant, while Dane paced around in a circle, profanities leaving his mouth.

When Dane finally noticed them, he stopped pacing around and looked in their direction, his arms crossed over his chest. "Well, if it isn't the two lovebirds," He said sarcastically. "It's nice to see you guys made it back alright," he muttered, "Next time could, you know, let us know that you're just gonna up and disappear so that we know where you're at? We figured you guys had gotten kidnapped. We were literally three seconds away from calling the cops!"

Lee rolled his eyes. "Only you were." He commented as Thomas continued to play with the small, orange plush toy that he had taken out of his souvenir bag. He sighed heavily as he squished the toy a few times before speaking.

"Okay, daddy, Dane." Thomas said, "Take a chill pill, you see they've made it back safely from wherever they came from." He said waving a hand in their direction, "Plus, they aren't even missing an arm." He said as he continued to bounce the toy against his knuckles.

       Dane glared down at him. "Shut up."

Jack simply shook his head. "Okay, so it's my bad, but can you really blame us? We got bored waiting on you guys."

"We only spent five minutes tops in that store."

"Which is a lie. You guys were in there ten minutes before we finally got up and left." Jack retorted. Dane opened his mouth to argue back, but didn't.

"So where did you guys go anyway?" He said changing the subject.

"A wishing well." Kaitlyn replied from beside Jack.

Dane frowned. "Why the freak were you guys at a wishing well?" He scoffed. "Confessing your feelings?"

"Seriously, Dane, what crawled up your butt and died?" Jack was the one to ask, and everyone nodded in agreement.

He stiffly shook his head. "Nothing," He practically seethed, heading in the direction of the tour bus and leaving the other guys behind.

Everyone stared at one another before Thomas finally held his hands up sheepishly. "Okay, I might've told him that there was a guy going around kidnapping famous people, specifically singers, and that's probably why you disappeared while we were shopping." He admitted.

Lee stared at him blandly. "Why am I not surprised?" He muttered to himself.

Jack looked at him exasperated. "Why in the world would you tell him that?"

     He shrugged. "The jerk bought the last purple, plush ball and I was going to get it, but ended up getting stuck with this stupid orange one." He replied, "He'll get over it."

Jack shook his head. There was only so much he could do with Thomas, and the man never seemed to not surprise him. "Okay, I'm going to talk to Dane. Lee and Kaitylyn you guys come with me." He motioned for them and they started to follow behind him. Thomas looked up from the bench, "Hey, what about me?" He yelled.

      Jack didn't even bother to look over his shoulder as he climbed onto the bus. "You're walking back." He shouted, closing the door behind them.

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