Chapter Thirteen

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I'd just like to take a moment to thank everyone who voted, even the people who read the story and don't vote, and a big thank you to my new followers. I really appreciate every single one of you and hope you continue to enjoy my story.

13 - The Dress

            Kaitlyn couldn't truthfully say that she was now ready to head back to the hotel - because she would be lying. She had been ready to go back, hours ago.

What was supposed to be a quick run to the mall to pick out a dress for the upcoming party, turned into a long three hours of -

"No, I don't think that one looks good on you."

"Who in their right mind would choose yellow? It reminds me too much of a banana."

"This chick is bananas, B - a - n -a - n - a - s." He started singing.

"Why don't you try the purple one?"

"Oh my goodness, change it quick before my eyes fall out."

"You know what...I think the yellow actually looked good on you." Thomas finally decided.

Kaitlyn was ready to pull her hair out. She stomped back into the dressing room and pulled off the bright purple dress and stepped into her other clothes. She was supposed to be shopping by herself, but everyone had agreed that it wasn't safe since she had been linked to the band and that she should be accompanied by one of them. Thomas hadn't been her first pick though.

Lee had declined when she asked him, saying he was going to spend his time in the bookstore, while Dane ditched the bus before she could even get the words out of her mouth, and Jack, he had stayed at the hotel. Kaitlyn hadn't seen him since last night, but Charles had informed them that Jack wasn't feeling too well, so that left her with Thomas.

Annoying, cooking fever obsessed, Thomas.

She let out a deep breath and stepped out of the dressing room. She honestly didn't think she could stand another two minutes of Thomas playing judge as she tried on clothes, so she decided to go with the yellow dress and scooped up some sliver heels and walked to the cash register. The lady smiled, "Will this be all?" She asked, taking the clothes across the counter.

Kaitlyn nodded almost too happily. The woman rung everything up.

"Okay, so that's going to be one hundred and thirty seven dollars and twenty three cents."

Kaitlyn reached into her purse to pull out her wallet when Thomas's hand shot pass her, dropping a black card in the woman's hand. She scanned it and handed it back to Thomas, holding the bag out for Kaitlyn to take.

She took the bag and followed after Thomas. Her short legs barley catching up with him as he walked out of the store. She hit his back. "Why'd you do that?" She hissed.

Thomas rubbed his aching back. "Do what?" He whined.

She stopped walking. "Pay for my clothes. I could've did it myself."

"Jack told me to do it."

She blinked. "What?" Her mouth slightly ajar.

Thomas pulled out his phone, showing her the text that Thomas had sent him an hour ago.

Jack: If Kaitlyn finds anything, you pay for it and i'll pay you back.

Thomas: But what if I don't want to?

Jack: Just do it or i'll tape Love Lucy over every episode of Pretty Little Liars.

Thomas: Fine! I'll do it you monster.

Jack: Knew you would.

Jack: And Thomas, don't tell her I told you to pay for it.

Kaitlyn couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips as she read the messages. Jack was such a sweet heart.

Thomas pocketed his phone. "Why do you have that goofy smile all over your face?"

She grinned. "Because you showed me the messages."


She rocked back and forth on her feet. "And, Jack specifically told you not to tell me what he had done."

The color drained from his face. He immediately clasped his hands around her fists, begging. "Please, don't tell Jack. I don't think my beautiful face can take any more damage this close to the party."

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. She glanced around the mall, her eyes settling on a particular store before she smiled. She looked back down to the man kneeling on his knees in front of her. "Fine, but you'll have to do something for me."

"Anything." Thomas promised.

"Anything?" She beamed and he nodded.

Kaitlyn smiled wickedly as she shook his hands off and headed to the store across from them. This party was going to be one to remember.

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